Sun Mar 09, 2025
March 09, 2025


Paraguay: The Fall of Stronism, A Change in the People’s Shackles

February 2 marked the 35th anniversary of the fall of the dictatorship, which meant the transformation of the dictatorial regime into a liberal-democratic one. The armed forces were replaced...

Paraguay | Peripheral Capitalism And The Pandemic

Since March 5th, thousands have had enough of Mario Abdo Benítez and the Colorado...

The Working People of Paraguay Lead the Way Against the Pandemic

The political developments that have occurred in Paraguay since March 5th deserve the attention...

Paraguay: Down with Mario Abdo’s Government! Down with Cartes and his Gang!

On March 5th, we participated in a massive demonstration in Asunción against Mario Abdo...

Book Addresses the Paraguayan War

The book “The War Against the Triple Alliance” by Marxist author Ronald Leon Nuñez...

Book Addresses the Paraguayan War

The book “The War Against the Triple Alliance” by Marxist author Ronald Leon Nuñez was launched in Assunción last August 14, 2019. By CSP-Conlutas Media...

Paraguayan Labor Stands For Impeachment of Mario Abdo Benitez!

Militant Paraguayan Labor Federation CCT Issued a statement denouncing Paraguayan authorities for the secret agreement with Brazilian administration about bi-national Itaipu dam. By CSP-Conlutas Media...

Labor Opportunism and Servility Means the Betrayal of the Working Class

Faced with the deep crisis that the country is experiencing in the wake of the scandalous secret agreement signed behind the people's backs by...

Open Letter from a Paraguayan to the Brazilian Working Class on Itaipu

"A nation cannot become free and at the same time continue to oppress other nations"                   ...

Paraguayans Against Itaipu Agreement!

The Paraguayan people took the streets on July 27, 2019 against a new agreement with Brazil which increases the price of energy in 40%. By...

Mercosur-EU Agreement: a Bad Deal For the Working Class

European Union and Mercosur officials signed an agreement on July 28 which is meant to increase trade between 28 European countries and the four...

Mercosur and the European Union: One Step More Towards Becoming a Colony

            The free commerce deal between Mercosur and the European Union (EU), announce with fireworks and fanfare by Bolsonaro and celebrated by the press,...

Dictatorships in Brazil and Paraguay: nevermore!

Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro praised the military dictatorships of Brazil and Paraguay in the inauguration of general Joaquim Silva e Luna, former Defense Minister...

Paraguay: Workers Defeated Attack On Pensions

Paraguayan workers had an important victory on August 23, 2018. Fabio Bosco from Sao Paulo, Seven thousand workers held a rally in front of the...

Cartes’ Resignation is a Victory of the People’s Resistance!

The task will be completed when we defeat the amendment.By PT - Paraguay Cartes’ announcement that he will not be a candidate for the Presidency...

Statement of CCT Paraguay on the Political Crisis

The Working Class Confederation (CCT) strongly condemns the amendment born from the agreement between Cartes, Lugo and Llano, who are violating basic forms...

We repudiate the murder of Rodrigo and Libertad! Immediate Freedom to the Ones Detained!

The brutal assault carried out by Cartes, Lugo and Llano caused the justified rebellion of thousands of people, most of them youth, in clear...

Amendment Born from Mugging has First Referendum on the Streets

Rejection and condemnation of police repression; the repression against demonstrators that took place yesterday afternoon and evening in front of the National Congress, where...

We greet and support the #TomaDeColegios

From the Socialist Youth of PT, we salute the occupation that started in the Rca. School, Argentina, and has already extended to the CTN,...