Fri Dec 06, 2024
December 06, 2024

Nahuel Moreno

Nahuel Moreno: Old Memories Still Relevant Today

By Eduardo Almeida Neto Originally published in 201  in the special edition tribute on the 30th anniversary of his death, from Conversations with Nahuel Moreno. Buenos Aires, one afternoon in October...

In Defense of Nahuel Moreno’s Morals

A short while ago, I wrote and published on Facebook a letter to Valerio...

30rd Anniversary of Moreno’s Death

Today, January 25, it is the 30 anniversary of the Argentinian Trotskyist, Nahuel Moreno....

To be Trotskyist Today – 1985

Let's start with understanding what it means to be truly Marxist. We cannot make...

Why Does Fidel Negotiate In Secret With Reagan? – Nahuel Moreno, 1982.

Business Week magazine commented in its 22 June 1981 issue that: “despite the harsh...

Why Does Fidel Negotiate In Secret With Reagan? – Nahuel Moreno, 1982.

Business Week magazine commented in its 22 June 1981 issue that: “despite the harsh tone speeches by the spokesmen for the Reagan administration in...

Questions on Revolutionary Party’s Organization – Part 4

Stalinism As a product of the civil war -in which many thousands died- and hunger -that caused their return to the countryside-, the old Russian...

Questions on Revolutionary Party’s Organization – Part 3

Marx Examining in depth the class struggle at his time, mainly the Paris Commune, Marx defined the revolutionary tasks, which were politically correspondent to the...

Questions on Revolutionary Party’s Organization – Part 2

In July 16, 1984, Comrade Nahuel Moreno invited by the Socialist Youth to talk about the organization of the revolutionary party. This article is...

Questions on Revolutionary Party’s Organization – Part 1

On July 16, 1984, Comrade Nahuel Moreno was invited by the Socialist Youth to talk about the organization of the revolutionary party. This article...

“The construction of a Revolutionary Workers’ World Party is the greatest task that a human being has ever poised to do”

The lines we reproduce below are the final paragraphs of the book El Partido y la Revolución (1973). While the organizational framework of that...

The Trotskyist conception of the International

In these extracts from the text “Our Experience with Lambertism”, one can find one of the best definitions of what Moreno considered to be...

The World Party

This text is part of a long interview by Moreno published as a book under the title “Conversaciones con Moreno”. This piece of work is...