Fri Jul 26, 2024
July 26, 2024

Climate Change

Solidarity kitchen distributes food and water to those affected by climate catastrophe in Porto Alegre, Brazil

Class solidarity has been promoted in campaign carried out by CSP-Conlutas and PSTU. By: Roberto Aguiar Ana Rita, a Porto Alegre Municipal Health worker and PSTU militant, together with her niece...

Brazil: Civil Defense counts 83 dead and 111 missing persons in Rio Grande do Sul

In total, 850,000 people have been affected by the latest climate tragedy. By: Editorial Staff In...

Tragedy in Rio Grande do Sul: Latest Chapter of Disaster Capitalism

By JEFERSON CHOMA In 2005, faced with the terrible and tragic consequences and policies adopted...

Oil Magnate Claims Consumers Cannot Do Without Fossil Fuels — A Socialist Reply

By Cooper Bard, Workers' Voice On March 18, at the CERAWeek conference in Houston, oil...

There is No Climate Justice in the Genocide of the Palestinian People

By: Soraya Misleh As the terrorist state of Israel moves forward with genocide in Gaza...

There is No Climate Justice in the Genocide of the Palestinian People

By: Soraya Misleh As the terrorist state of Israel moves forward with genocide in Gaza and ethnic cleansing in the West Bank, it has also...

The 2023 Climate Conference: A Business Opportunity for Oil and Mining Companies

2023 was the year when the effects of global warming became clear. The world witnessed terrible heat waves in the summer in the Northern...

Global warming: extreme heat and capitalism

Major heat waves and record temperatures are being recorded in various parts of the world. In the U.S. state of Texas, the temperature reached...

Canadian wildfires: A sign of things to come

By TAYTYN BADGER Since the 29th of April, the land occupied by Western Canada has witnessed an unprecedented onslaught of wildfires unusually early in our...

Agribusiness: Recolonization, Violence, and Persecution in the Brazilian Countryside

The Landless Workers’ Movement (MST) has become the victim of a despicable campaign of persecution by landowners. The "ruralist" bench of the National...

Lula-Alckmin Government Overlooks Indigenous Peoples and the Environment

It took less than 200 days in government for Lula-Alckmin's campaign promises to be left behind. By: Waldemir Soares, CSP-Conlutas I believe there is no doubt...

A Tale of Two Floods : India and Pakistan, Climate Disaster in South Asia and Capitalism

By Mazdoor Inquilab Last year Pakistan was witness to the worst flooding in its recent history, with over a tenth of the country submerged under water,...

Nationalize the railroads under workers’ control!

By JOHN LESLIE Railroad Workers United (RWU), a cross-union rank-and-file caucus representing railroad workers across North America, has issued a call for “the public ownership...

UN Climate Panel Predicts Earth Will Reach Limit in Next Decade

By: Jeferson Choma On March 20, the IPCC published its sixth assessment report on climate change. The document from the scientific body that advises the...

COP27: Hosted by Egypt’s dictator, Abdel Fattah El-Sisi

The deepening of the climate crisis and setbacks in countries' commitments set the tone for the COP27 to be held under the Egyptian dictatorship...

Leaders Summit on Climate: End Capitalism to Prevent a Climate Catastrophe

The Leaders Summit on Climate was held on 21-22 April, to prepare for the Climate Conference of the United Nations (UN), the COP26, scheduled...

Climate, Environmental Crisis and Coronavirus: Nature is not Passive

Nature's reaction to the unhindered capitalist exploitation has taken place over the last decades and last years. There are many warnings about the consequences...

Debate: Marxism and Environmental Crisis

MARXISM AND ENVIRONMENTAL CRISIS | The International Workers' League (Fourth International), LIT-QI, will promote, on September 27th, a debate entitled “Marxism and Environmental Crisis",...

Bolsonaro’s false nationalism and imperialist interests in Amazonia

The fires in Amazonia acquired a global dimension. Mobilizations of the youth, workers, intellectuals, artists, scientists, and thousands of people spread through social media...