Thu Feb 13, 2025
February 13, 2025


Solidarity with the Mapuche community Lof Pailako in Argentina

By Partido Socialista de los Trabajadores Unificado - ArgentinaOn Thursday, January 9, 2025, a large operation was carried out by the Federal Police and the Gendarmerie to evict the...

For a new student strike! Let’s multiply the sit-ins and defeat the attacks on public education!

The veto was confirmed. Once again Congress came to Milei's aid. Although the law...

Argentina: A Justice system at the service of the bosses and imperialism

After the repression of the June 12 mobilization and the arrest of dozens of...

Argentina: Free those imprisoned for fighting!

By Alejandro Iturbe On June 12, the Argentine Senate was dealing with the so-called Ley...

Argentina: The Large Investment Incentive Regime (RIGI) is a table set for imperialism

One of the main parts of the legislative package submitted by the government of...

Argentina: The Large Investment Incentive Regime (RIGI) is a table set for imperialism

One of the main parts of the legislative package submitted by the government of Javier Milei to Congress is the Large Investment Incentive Regime...

It is Possible to Defeat Milei, Macri, and the IMF’s Plan

By PSTU-Argentina The setback of the Omnibus Law and the subsequent scuffle with the governors due to the conflict in Chubut revealed the weakness of...

Keep It Up in the Streets for Safe, Legal, and Free Abortion in Hospitals! Down with Milei’s Spending Cuts!

Last week, a bill presented by a handful of deputies from Libertad Avanza was made public. It seeks to repeal the law on voluntary...

Argentina | The Law Has Been Struck Down. A Plan of Struggle for Wages and Against the Policies of Milei, Macri, and the IMF

By PSTU-Argentina The government bill has been withdrawn and, according to official statements, will not be presented again. The “Necessity and Urgency Decree” was struck...

Argentina | Preparing to Confront the Milei Government’s First Policies

By PSTU-Argentina Luis Caputo, the brand new Minister of Economy, has announced the first policies of the new capitalist government under the command of Javier...

Argentina: No Peace! The Fight Against the New Government Starts Now

Javier Milei won the presidential elections in Argentina by a wide margin, and will be the new President. We already know his anti-worker program,...

Argentina: The PSTU Facing the Ballot Box

Who do we vote for to prepare ourselves for the coming attacks? Massa has "turned the corner," against all the pollsters’ predictions. Faced with Milei's...

Argentina: For the triumph of the people of Jujuy and all struggles

During the last month, the rebellion of Jujuy has been at the center of the country’s political life. The dignity of the people of Jujuy...

Argentina : The struggle continues in Jujuy

At the end of June the "jujeñazo" took place, a large mobilization that combined the struggle for wage increases for teachers and state workers...

Statement: Let’s campaign to support the struggle of the people of Jujuy.

In Jujuy (Argentina) a very intense struggle is underway between the people of Jujuy and the provincial government of Gerardo Morales which, at the...

Argentina: Uniting Struggles to Confront Austerity from the IMF, Government, and Bosses

The recent run on foreign exchange resulted in a new inflationary jump. Wages and pensions continue their downward trend. The economy is stagnating, and possibly...

Argentina | Recovering March 8th as a day of struggle

By PSTU-Argentina March 8th: a day made with struggle Beginning on June 3, 2015, we affirmed “Not One More!” (Ni una menos!) with national mobilizations,...

Argentina | The tire workers could not be defeated!

The Argentine Tire Workers Union (SUTNA), in spite of the bosses' and the government's offensive, could not be defeated. After five months of struggle,...

The attempt on Cristina Kirchner’s life and the far-right groups

The images of Sabag Montiel shooting Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner's face at point-blank range shocked the country and the world. By PSTU Argentina The...