Wed Oct 23, 2024
October 23, 2024


Iranian Counterattack Creates More Uncertainty in the Middle East

In response to the criminal Israeli attack on its embassy in Damascus, the capital of Syria, on April 1, Iranian forces launched 350 devices (drones and missiles) against the...

Iran Is Ready to Deepen Economic Ties with China and Russia

By Gabriel Huland The arrest and killing of Jhina Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Kurdish-Iranian woman,...

Protests in Iran and the Lessons of an Interrupted Revolution

The social unrest has been taking place in Iran for over 30 days, since...

Iran | On the rebellion against the Ayatollah regime

Six weeks ago a popular rebellion exploded in Iran in response to the assassination...

Iranian revolution: the struggle for power after the revolution

After the fall of the Shah's regime, Ayatollah Khomeini and his alliance with the...

Iranian revolution: the struggle for power after the revolution

After the fall of the Shah's regime, Ayatollah Khomeini and his alliance with the Ulama (Shiite clergy), the Bazaaris (traditional bourgeoisie and petty commercial...

Mobilizations in Iran Keep Growing and Target the Regime

By Florence Oppen This is the fourth week of important mobilizations in Iran following the killing of Kurdish Iranian woman Mahsa Amini by the...

Iran | ‘Woman, life, freedom!’ Protests in Iran for gender equality and social justice

By Alborz Koosha, originally published on In March 1979, tens of thousands of people, predominantly women, protested in Tehran against the then new law...

IWL Statement in Support of the Protests in Iran

This is the third month of widespread protests and mass mobilizations in Iran. This wave of struggle, which has massively mobilized three major social...

Iranian protests continue into 2023

By Carlos Sapir Originally published on Workers' Voice / La voz de los trabajadores More than three months have passed since Mahsa Amini’s death in the...

Iran | No to the execution of Amir Nasr-Azadani

A few days before the World Cup finals in Qatar, a piece of news has made an impact inside and outside the world of...

Two Options Facing Haft Tappeh: Workers’ Ownership or Workers’ Supervision

Esmail Bakhshi and other representatives of the Haft Tappeh Sugar Cane workers have posted messages about the future ownership and management of the company....

Statement of Solidarity with Popular Mobilizations in Iran

La Voz de l@s Trabajadores/Workers’ Voice supports the struggle of working class people in Iran for political and democratic rights. We support our Iranian comrades...

Revolution and Counterrevolution in the Middle East after Iranian Leader Murder and Plane Shot Down

In the midst of revolutions in Iraq and Lebanon, the strengthening of both American imperialism and the Iranian regime brought about by the assassination...

No U.S. War on Iran!

Evidence has come to light (NBC news) that President Trump first authorized the assassination of Iranian military leader Qassim Soleimani last June. This effectively...

We reject the U.S. attack and assassination of the Iranian general

The Pentagon confirmed that the U.S. Army, by order of President Donald Trump, is responsible for a drone attack at Baghdad airport that killed...

Will the Iranian Mass Protests Stop?

The people’s protests which started on November 15 against the fuel price rise are already the largest ones since the 1979 Iranian revolution. By Hassan...

Once More, Death to the Dictator!

On November 15, 2019, the Iranian government announced a 200% increase in fuel prices. Each car will be allowed 60 liters per month on...

Free Iranian Political Prisoners

The Iranian working people is fighting back the economic hardships brought by both 30-year neoliberal policies and U.S. comprehensive criminal economic sanctions. The minimum...