Thu Oct 24, 2024
October 24, 2024


Colombia: honeymoon over… is the soft coup coming?

By Rosa C., PST - Colombia The last months have been marked by mobilizations against the Petro government orchestrated by the bourgeois opposition. While countermobilizations in favor of Petro have...

Colombia: Long Live the National Teachers’ Strike! Sink the Statutory Bill and Fight for a Real Education

By Socialist Workers Party - Colombia Surprisingly, while the leadership of the teachers’ union FECODE...

Colombia: Confronting the Political Regime and Corruption through Constituent, Independent Worker Power

By Executive Committee of the Socialist Workers' Party (PST, Colombia) The month of May has...

Colombia Needs a Constituent Assembly

On March 13, the southwestern indigenous mobilization began as a political expression of the...

Colombia’s Uprising: A Radical Commemoration

We are reprinting the same article that was originally published in Revista Izquierda (#114...

Colombia’s Uprising: A Radical Commemoration

We are reprinting the same article that was originally published in Revista Izquierda (#114 - December). Meanwhile, the Socialist Workers Party (PST) is currently...

Colombia’s National Pact and the “Peace Manager” Mancuso: The Two Faces of Government Policy

July 20 marked the beginning of the second year of Petro’s term. After an end to a legislature marked by struggles over reforms, sprinkled...

Petro’s Ministerial Crisis: A Change in Negotiations to Further Cut Reforms

On April 26, Gustavo Petro announced changes to his cabinet after asking for the resignation of all his ministers. This change is the result...

#8M Colombia | The Working-Class Woman Resists

The situation for women in Colombia is daunting. We often see cases of femicide in the news, and according to the National Institute of...

Colombia | Gustavo Petro, a Friend to Imperialism

Despite his apparently anti-imperialist speech at the UN, Petro advances his agenda hand in hand with US imperialism. By: Roberta / PST Colombia His increasingly...

Will the fall of abortion rights in the United States affect Colombia?

Legally the answer is no, but politically yes, it will. Let's see.  By the Women's Commission- PST Colombia On February 21, 2022, the Colombian Constitutional Court,...

Do we need to develop capitalism?

The Colombian president-elect Gustavo Petro said, on 19 June, that his government aimed to develop capitalism. Furthermore, he has called for a national agreement...

Colombia | No confidence in the regime, strengthen our organization and mobilization against death threats

Recently it was announced that the Historic Pact campaign has canceled its tour of the coffee-growing region in Colombia due to the threats and...

Colombia | Parliamentary Elections: the Results Reflected Continued Social Unrest, but Real Change Will Be Won on the Streets

Originally Published by the Executive Committee of the Partido Socialista de los Trabajadores (PST) Colombia on March 16, 2022, here The social outburst in Colombia,...

Colombia| The Strike, An Opportunity To Think About A New Society

Over the past three weeks, Colombia has experienced a major shake up. Marches, barricades, defensive lines, and popular assemblies in the midst of a...

Stop the Criminal Repression of the Duque Government!

Victory to the Colombian Working Class!     At the highest peak of the Covid 19 pandemic, Ivan Duque’s government introduced a tax overhaul bill that would...

SOS Colombia: Stop the Massacre, no to the militarisation of cities

Four days after the massive protests of the National Strike, the Duque government has ordered the militarisation of the cities to contain the mobilisations...

Yankees Go Home: No More Troops or Military Bases in Colombia

Showing the Colombian Government's lackey character, the U.S. Embassy announced that a U.S. Army Security Force Assistance Brigade, SFAB, has just arrived and will...

Colombia Woke Up: Down with Duque! All to the Streets!

On November 21, Colombia woke up: two million people took to the streets to protest against  labor, pension and tax reforms of the Duque...