Thu Oct 24, 2024
October 24, 2024


50 Years of the Carnation Revolution: When the Working Class Takes the Lead

By: Joana Salay, from Portugal On April 25, 1974, at 12:20am, the music "Grândola, Vila Morena" was broadcast by Renascença radio as a signal to launch the military coup operation...

On the 50th Anniversary of Portugal’s Carnation Revolution, The Democracy of the Rich Shows its Limits

By: Em Luta, Portugal The results of Sunday's elections have left the country at a...

Portugal | 48 years since April 25: Capitalism is no solution, we need a new revolution!

On March 24, several news reports stated that we have now experienced more days...

The Struggles and Labor Reorganization

THE ECONOMIC CRISIS OF 2008 and the brutal austerity over the workers that followed,...

The Geringonça Administration

In 2010, during the peak of the economic crisis in Europe, Portugal requested international...

The Geringonça Administration

In 2010, during the peak of the economic crisis in Europe, Portugal requested international financial assistance, whose agreement was known as the Troika Memorandum...

Some Lessons on the Elections After 4 Years of Geringonça Administration

The 6th October Portuguese elections had a special meaning, because they happened after four years of the Geringonça government which was claimed as the...

Is the Green New Deal a way out of the climate crisis?

The growth of Student Climate Strikes has driven some political figures to present a Green New Deal as a solution to transform the capitalist...

May 1st: Portugal  

45 years of the Carnation Revolution: “people are the ones who put more order”

On April 25, 1974, 45 years ago, a military uprising unleashed the Portuguese Revolution, the last to date in Western Europe. By Juan P. The military...

From Sweden to Greece: Similarities with Portugal and the world, beginning by Paris

If last year Portugal was news in worldwide press due to the fires it suffered, this year, Greece and Sweden lead the headlines for...

Full solidarity with the victims and their families! Without structural changes, new fires will come!

  By Em Luta, Portugal. In this moment of pain and tragedy, we first want to express full solidarity to the victims and their families. These...

Peace, Bread, Housing, Health, Education: the Currency of April 25 Demands

The struggle against the Colonial War and the Salarazist dictatorship were the roots of a profound revolution that questioned not just the political regime...

Peace, Bread, Housing, Health, Education: the Currency of April 25 Demands

The struggle against the Colonial War and the Salarazist dictatorship were the roots of a profound revolution that questioned not just the political regime...

Rents rising and houses falling down in the working-class neighborhoods

Residents of social housing estates have been fighting against the new law of the lease, since March, which provides for the brutal increase...

For the annulment of the assessment test! For Crato’s resignation!

December 18, 2013 was memorable for thousands of teachers: driven by their rank and file actions and combativeness, they were able to, in...

The MAS Wins the Arm Wrestling with the Constitutional Court and is Legalized

The Movement Socialist Alternative (MAS), the first party to deliver close to 20,000 signatures to be recognized by the Constitutional Court (CT) -...

MAS Delivers 10,000 New Signatures to the Constitutional Court

On March, 3 the Movement of Socialist Alternative (MAS), Portuguese section of the IWL-FI, saw its registration as a party denied by the...

Our party system is rotten and corrupted

Antonio Marinho e Pinto, Chairman of the Bar Association (the organization that represents the professional group of lawyers), in an Opinion article in the...