Wed Feb 12, 2025
February 12, 2025


One Year of the Cataclysmic Civil War in Sudan

By BRIAN CRAWFORD For one year Sudan has been engulfed in conflict. There are approximately 15,000 dead, with widespread plundering and rape, combined with displacement and famine. Human rights organizations...

A Predictable and Therefore Avoidable Tragedy in Sudan

The bourgeois media never tires of writing about the probable complications of the conflict...

Sudan: Serious risk of civil war and the involvement of neighboring countries

On Saturday April 15, an armed confrontation broke out between the Sudanese Army and...

Down with the Dictatorship and its Constitution

The al-Bashir government has fallen, but the dictatorship lives on.   By Martin Ralph and Cesar...

Support the Sudanese revolution

The fearless and determined mass mobilisations, led principally by the youth but with all...

Support the Sudanese revolution

The fearless and determined mass mobilisations, led principally by the youth but with all ages participating, continue in Sudan against the 25 October 2021...

Down with the Sudanese military coup

Support the Marches of Millions and the international mobilisations! No partnership, no bargaining, and no negotiation! The revolution continues! Martin Ralph - ISL/Britain As we write the Sudanese...

The Sudanese civilian government is under the thumb of the old genocidal military and the USA

Many sectors of the mass movement fight the deepening economic catastrophe By Martin Ralph – International Socialist League The International Monetary Fund (IMF) said in...

Solidarity to the Sudanese General Strike!

The International Labour Network for Solidarity and Struggles issued a statement in solidarity with the Sudanese revolution and their demands for a civilian administration. By...

Sudan: CSP-Conlutas Solidarity Motion

Justice for Sudan Once again thank you very much. The statement was translated and published in the SPA FB page - there is positive gratitude...

Sudan: Diary of a Revolution 5

 Sudanese workers rise: old traditions, new challenges By: Martin Ralph - ISL / UK 05/20/2019 Many workers organise strikes over many issues but there is one central...

Sudan: Diary of a Revolution 4

Sudanese revolution; dangers, strikes, and growth The fight for real change has only just begun   By Martin Ralph (ISL-Britain)  05/07/2019 In the Khartoum occupation, a Sudanese Professional  Association...

Sudan: Diary of a Revolution 3

Atbara, The city of “iron and fire”, is at the heart of Sudan’s railway network and a home to the country’s labour activists, already had...

Sudan: Diary of a Revolution 2

The City of Iron and Fire sends a revolutionary train In the last report it was stated that the railways did not function any more...

Sudan: Diary of a Revolution 1

All to the occupations End the military government International support for the revolution “Bullets doesn’t kill us, silence does” By Martin Ralph (ISL- UK) 04/26/19 Many 100,000s of protestors...

For a Civilian Government of Revolutionary Organisations!

Down with the military regime! Bring to justice those who order and carry out killings! For a civilian government of revolutionary organisations! There is no ‘peaceful’ road...

Solidarity to Arab Revolutions From Brazil

CSP-Conlutas members stood in solidarity with Arab revolutions in Sao Paulo workers’ day rally on May 1. By CSP-Conlutas Media Workgroup May 6, 2019 They were portraying...

“Freedom… Peace… Justice…” – Sudan’s Ongoing Revolution

On 19 December 2018, peaceful demonstrations broke out through the streets of Atbara, in the Republic of Sudan. Bread prices tripled in Atbara overnight,...

Sudanese masses reject military coup after Omar al-Bashir goes

One Syrian (a refugee, a revolutionary and in daily contact with the revolution) said: We don’t accept recycling of the recycled garbage…two regime leaders...