Fri Jul 26, 2024
July 26, 2024


When Lenin Became Trotskyist

By: Francesco Ricci Bourgeois Revolution or Socialist Revolution? Since the beginning of the twentieth century, and especially after the blood-soaked Russian Revolution of 1905, the character of the future revolution...

The Third International and Its Place in History

Written: 15 April, 1919 First Published: Published in May 1919; Published according to the manuscript. Source: Lenin’s Collected...

On Strikes

By Vladimir I. Lenin   In recent years, workers’ strikes have become extremely frequent in Russia....

On Strikes

By Vladimir I. Lenin   In recent years, workers’ strikes have become extremely frequent in Russia....

1917-2017: Lenin’s April Theses – A Scandalous Text for Old and New Reformists

"It's a delusion, it's the delirium of a madman!" - (A. Bogdanov, Menshevik, referring to...

1917-2017: Lenin’s April Theses – A Scandalous Text for Old and New Reformists

"It's a delusion, it's the delirium of a madman!" - (A. Bogdanov, Menshevik, referring to Lenin’s April Theses) By Francesco Ricci.   It is April 3, 1917 (April...

1917-2017: Lenin’s April Theses – A Scandalous Text for Old and New Reformists

"It's a delusion, it's the delirium of a madman!" - (A. Bogdanov, Menshevik, referring to Lenin’s April Theses) By Francesco Ricci.   It is April 3, 1917 (April...