Fri Feb 14, 2025
February 14, 2025

200 Years of Engels

Engels and the Materialist Interpretation of the History of Women’s Oppression

Engels was born on 28 November, 200 years ago. In his homage, the International Workers League - Fourth International published a series of articles in defence of Marxism and...

Fiddles Melody: Bicentennial of Friedrich Engels, the Communist General

"For a correct appraisal of Marx’s views, an acquaintance is essential with the works...

Engels’ Ecological Dialectical Materialism

It is undeniable that Marx was deeply curious about the development of the sciences...

Engels, Co-author of the Materialist Conception of History

Engels and Marx’s collaboration had as a starting point the elaboration of the materialist...

Revolutionary strategy and tactics: Engels after Marx’s death

“The most powerful mind in our party has ceased thinking; the mightiest heart that I...

Revolutionary strategy and tactics: Engels after Marx’s death

“The most powerful mind in our party has ceased thinking; the mightiest heart that I have ever known has ceased beating” F. Engels By Marcos Margarido After Marx's...