Fri Oct 18, 2024
October 18, 2024


Trotsky and the revolutionary passion for art and culture

Wilson Honório da Silva, of the PSTU’s National Education Secretariat On August 21, 2024, 84 years after his assassination, we celebrated the life and legacy of Leon Trotsky. The synthesis...

Peru: Fifty years fighting for the construction of a Revolutionary Party

It was during the national holidays (July 28 and 29) in 1974, that a...

Nahuel Moreno: Old Memories Still Relevant Today

By Eduardo Almeida Neto Originally published in 201  in the special edition tribute on the...

Political Parties in the Struggle for Free Palestine

Several Palestinian parties have worked for the liberation of Palestine, therefore it is necessary...

Palestine | On the false “two-state” solution.

The recent massacre carried out by Israel in the Palestinian refugee camp of Jenin...

Palestine | On the false “two-state” solution.

The recent massacre carried out by Israel in the Palestinian refugee camp of Jenin in the West Bank, has once again shown the violent...

Who was Hugo Blanco?

Nahuel Moreno said that Hugo Blanco was the greatest Trotskyist mass leader after Trotsky. And to this day this is still true. He was...

The Iraq War: Where Bush Broke Off More Than He Could Chew

On March 20, 2003, a military coalition led by the U.S. invaded Iraq. In a short time, it overthrew the Iraqi political regime of...

United Kingdom, France, and Germany: The Working Class Makes Its Voice Heard

The European working class is reacting against the deterioration in its standard of living. The successive strikes in England, those in Italy, the mega-strike...

Stalin: Attempting to Resurrect a Political Corpse

March 28, 2023 March 5 marked the 70th anniversary of the death of Stalin, the leader of the Soviet Union for 30 years. The Popular...

Stalinism and Pan-Africanism – Part V

In previous articles of this series, we discussed the national struggles of colonial and semi-colonial peoples, particularly on the African continent, including the creation...

Brazil | September 7th: An independence negotiated by the ruling classes

Amid this year’s Independence Bicentennial celebrations, the mainstream media and even some revisionist historians are trying to present a version of Brazilian history that...

Lessons from the ‘80s

No trade unionist who seriously studies the political and industrial scene at the beginning of the 1980s and compares it with today can fail...

Iran, 1979: An interrupted revolution

The Iranian revolution was extraordinary and will pass into history as one of the most important witnessed by humanity. By: Marcos Margarido The early 1970s saw...

The genocide in the Belgian Congo and the struggle for reparation

The genocide carried out by the Belgian king resulted in the death of eight to ten million Congolese. By Cesar Neto Belgium is a small country,...

49 years of the coup in Chile: Some lessons to prevent history from repeating itself!

The 49th anniversary of the 1973 civil-military coup reactivates a pending debate on the most complex period of our recent history. By Paz Ibarra /...

Leon Trotsky: Revolutionary, Marxist, Internationalist

By Esat Erdoğan When Lev Davidovich Bronstein, known as Trotsky, was assassinated in Mexico on August 21, 1940, by Stalin's agent Ramon Mercader, he left...

Trotsky, 82 years later

By Murat Yakın Even if they get hit and fall in every siege, they are adventurous and they never die... Lev Davidovich Bronstein, better known as...

Gorbachev: the key figure of the capitalist restoration of the former USSR

Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev, President of the former Soviet Union in the late 1980s and early 1990s, died yesterday in Moscow aged 91. By Alexander...