Sat Jul 27, 2024
July 27, 2024

Daniel Ruiz


To the Judiciary, to the usual politicians, to the repressive forces, to the treacherous leadership... By PSTU-Argentina Daniel Ruiz’ and César Arakaki’s trials are in their final stages. After 13 months...

D18 on Trial | We Will Accuse Them

Last Monday, December 2, the defense team of our comrade Daniel Ruíz, taken ahead by...

Daniel Ruíz and César Arakaki on Trial

On November 25, in the Federal Courts of Comodoro Py, it began the trial...

Daniel Ruiz: “Macri Leaves Under People’s Repudiation While I Have Fellow Workers’ Solidarity”

After two personal interviews in the Marcos Paz prison, for my third interview with...

Letter By Daniel Ruiz To The International Delegation

Letter by Daniel Ruiz to the IWL-FI and the international delegation that visited him...

Letter By Daniel Ruiz To The International Delegation

Letter by Daniel Ruiz to the IWL-FI and the international delegation that visited him in jail Marcos Paz Prison, June 28, 2019 To my IWL-FI comrades To...

We Stand With Daniel Ruiz and Sebastián Romero For The Elections!

The Argentinian Left and Workers Front – FIT – added by the MST, Poder Popular (People’s Power) and our party, PSTU, presented their candidates...

Letter Of Daniel Ruiz On The 9th Month Of His Incarceration

On the 9th month of my imprisonment: go on resisting with struggle and organizing First, in my name and in that of my family, I...

Rally Demands Release of Daniel Ruiz Now!

Five hundred people attended a rally demanding freedom for activist Daniel Ruiz under heavy rain in Buenos Aires’ Plaza del Congreso in front of...

Human Rights Organizations Demand Free Daniel Ruiz Now!

On April 12, 2019 48 human rights organizations, shop-stewards committees, unions and political parties held an impressive press conference in Argentina to demand freedom...

Letter from Daniel Ruiz after 7 months as a political prisoner

We share the letter of Comrade Daniel Ruiz, 7 months of being in prison for facing Macri's government. Marcos Paz Prison 04/09/2019 200 days of prison 200...

Six months of the political imprisonment of Daniel Ruiz

Today it has been six months since the fiscal adjusting, repressive Cambiemos administration and its corrupt justice have kidnapped our oil worker comrade Daniel...