Thu Mar 27, 2025
March 27, 2025


On the capitalist dictatorship in Cuba. Polemic with SCR-IMT, or the importance of calling ourselves Trotskyists

As was to be expected, in the face of the popular demonstrations in Cuba against the Castro regime of Diaz-Canel that began a few months ago, most reformist and...

How to continue the struggle against the Cuban dictatorship

Cuba is going through a moment of great political effervescence since 11 July. The...

After the 15N, Redouble the Efforts to Free the Cuban Political Prisoners

The so-called Civic March for Change, called by the“Archipiélago” platform, did not happen. Havana...

Freedom for the Political Prisoners of the Cuban Dictatorship

The degrading of the living conditions of the Cuban people led, on June 11th,...

All Support and Solidarity with the November 15 Mobilization! Resist any Attempt of Imperialist Interference!

The following months showed that the July 11 demonstrations inaugurated a new political scenario...

All Support and Solidarity with the November 15 Mobilization! Resist any Attempt of Imperialist Interference!

The following months showed that the July 11 demonstrations inaugurated a new political scenario in Cuba. The objective factors that triggered the popular discontent...

The Cuban Regime Responds to November 15 Mobilization with more Repression… and Hypocrisy

Last July 11, several demonstrations were held in Cuba against the Castro regime. They expressed the demands of numerous sectors of the Cuban people...

Castroism and the Central American Revolution

In the debates on the current Cuban situation, a majority sector of the left (defenders of the current Castro regime and its policies) claims...

Cuban Government Response Lends Further Legitimacy to Protests

The mobilisations that took place on the island since 11 July and the Cuban government's response are being followed with extreme attention in America...

We Stand in Solidarity with the Cuban People!

Hands Off Cuba!  For an Immediate End to the Sanctions and Blockade!   Statement by the Central Committee of Workers’ Voice/La Voz de los Trabajadores   What is Happening...

Cuba: Support the Campaign to Release the Prisoners!

In our recent IWL-FI statement on Cuba, we pointed out, along with the need to expose and repudiate the government repression, which has already...

Where to, Peru?

Amid massive social and political upheavals, the decay of the institutions of bourgeois democracy in the face of calls for a coup, all while...

Freedom for the Corrupt, Prison for the Workers

The Nicolás Maduro government has just decreed the freedom of the bourgeois opposition politicians who were imprisoned by the President himself.   By: Cesar Neto   ...

Bolsonaro truckles to Trump again and supports embargo against Cuba in the UN

Bolsonaro never tires of proving that it is a Donald Trump doormat. For the first time, the Brazilian government has aligned with the United...

Neither Maduro, Nor Guaido/Trump! For a Workers’ Third Way!

The U.S. imperialism and his allies tried to carry out a coup d’état in Venezuela on April 30, 2019. By CSP-Conlutas Media Workgroup May 6, 2019 The...

Venezuela: Rallies Demand Maduro Must Go! Neither Guaido nor Maduro, For a Workers’ Alternative!

Last Saturday, May 6, 2019, Venezuelan working people held 358 rallies across the nation against both Maduro-led Bolivarian regime and the lack of safe...

Chavismo: a necessary assessment

The sickness and death of Hugo Chávez, doubtlessly one of the most important leaders of the Latin American and international politics of the 21st...

Out with North Americans from Venezuela! Down with imperialist interference! Down with the lackey Latin American governments!

The workers must oust Maduro! Out with Maduro! North American imperialist pro-intervention policy, allied with right wing Latin American governments, has taken a leap regarding Venezuela. John...

The Struggle against Ortega's Dictatorship must continue

It has been more than four months since the demonstrations that led to the insurrection against Ortega-Murillo’s tyranny. Over 450 people have been killed...