Mon Mar 10, 2025
March 10, 2025

Tag: Repression

Cuba | A year after the 11J protests

A year has passed since the social outburst that shook Cuba between July 11 and 12, 2021. From one end of the island to...

Chile: Are There Political Prisoners in Chile? How Do We Free Them?

Since the beginning of the revolutionary uprising the flared up on the 18th of October, various social and political organizations, and among them the...

Class Struggle Doesn’t Stop Under the Pandemic

The corona virus pandemic, with the measures of social isolation, is forcing many mobilization processes to take a break in their forms of mobilization...

Matamoros: repression to workers and “democracy” to the bosses

The workers' strikes movement initiated in this border city with the United States in January of this year is leading the way for the...

Colombia: support La Minga and reject the repression

Since  March 11, more than 15 thousand indigenous people started La Minga Social Suroccidente, a mobilization of indigenous peoples on the Pan-American Highway that...

Six months of the political imprisonment of Daniel Ruiz

Today it has been six months since the fiscal adjusting, repressive Cambiemos administration and its corrupt justice have kidnapped our oil worker comrade Daniel...

The Campaign for Freedom for Daniel Ruiz continues. We interviewed his sister, Carolina

As we said in the previous edition of Avanzada Socialista, Daniel Ruiz has been imprisoned for two months. The National Chamber of Appeals has...

We repudiate the prison exemption refusal to Sebastián Romero

From the PSTU, we repudiate the decision of the Court of Cassation of rejecting the request of prison exemption to our comrade Sebastián Romero. The...

We repudiate the prison exemption refusal to Sebastián Romero

From the PSTU, we repudiate the decision of the Court of Cassation of rejecting the request of prison exemption to our comrade Sebastián Romero. The...

Violent is the brutal police repression! End the persecution to the PSTU and to Sebastián Romero!

The government is showing once again up to what point it is willing to go to implement the adjustment plan. Thousands of workers, retirees,...

Violent is the brutal police repression! End the persecution to the PSTU and to Sebastián Romero!

The government is showing once again up to what point it is willing to go to implement the adjustment plan. Thousands of workers, retirees,...

Rafael Nahuel's case: Out with Bullrich!

From the PSTU, we highly repudiate the murder of a Mapuche of Lof Lafken Winkul Mapu community by the Prefecture and Federal Police. Once again, the...

Let's all march with the Madres for Santiago!

Since a body that might be Santiago’s appeared, the outrage grew and the ambient became tense. Yesterday, it was a day of confusion regarding...

Let's all march with the Madres for Santiago!

Since a body that might be Santiago’s appeared, the outrage grew and the ambient became tense. Yesterday, it was a day of confusion regarding...

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