Let's all march with the Madres for Santiago!


Since a body that might be Santiago’s appeared, the outrage grew and the ambient became tense. Yesterday, it was a day of confusion regarding a possible –but not confirmed- call to demonstrate. This confusion was not by chance: the government tried to scare us showing it was ready to repress, and sadly, Human Right bodies fell for this and stated that to demonstrate was to play the game of the repression, so we should not march a few days before the elections. On its side, Kircherismo leaders that talk about “confronting the adjustment” called to not demonstrate and, instead, to vote on Sunday.
By PSTU Argentina.
From the PSTU, we want to say, first, that we respect the moment that Santiago’s family is going through. They announced yesterday, in a press conference, that they have no conditions to call for a demonstration. But the responsibility of all political movements that claim for Santiago to appear alive is very different. Thanks to the demonstration of thousands of hundreds, today we are getting closer to the truth. To call not to demonstrate to avoid the repression is to fall right into the government’s trap. And to not demonstrate because of the elections is equally wrong because justice will come from mobilization, not from the vote.
We need to give a unitary and categorical response to get to the truth and for trial and punishment to all the ones responsible. Thus, we were present yesterday in Plaza de Mayo, and we will be present today, at 15:30, for the unitary call made by the Encuentro Memoria, Verdad y Justicia to march together with the Madres de Plaza de Mayo around the Square. Today, everyone that wants to fight for Santiago (independently of their voting on Sunday) has an appointment with honor, for the cry for Santiago to be heard across the country.
Out with Bullrich, Noceti, and the entire leadership of the Gendarmerie!
For an independent investigation committee to get to the truth!
For the CGTs and CTAs to call for strike and demonstration, for the truth to be known and for the responsible ones to pay for what they did!

PSTU – 18/10/17



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