Sun Oct 20, 2024
October 20, 2024

Tag: Brazil

“Progressive governments”: A not-so-pink new wave

The cycle of electoral victories of so-called progressive parties, which had already brought Gabriel Boric (Chile) and Gustavo Petro (Colombia) to national governments, is...

Brazil | September 7th: An independence negotiated by the ruling classes

Amid this year’s Independence Bicentennial celebrations, the mainstream media and even some revisionist historians are trying to present a version of Brazilian history that...

Brazil | Mobilize in the streets against the Bolsonarist blockades

We call on the PT, the central organizations, unions and social movements to mobilize workers and organize for self-defense! By the National Leadership of the...

Brazil | We defeated Bolsonaro at the ballot box! Now, the next challenges for the working class

By the National Leadership of the Partido Socialista dos Trabalhadores Unificado (PSTU) Lula has won the Brazilian presidential elections in the second round. All over...

Brazil | To defeat Bolsonaro in the elections, PSTU calls for a critical vote for Lula

Originally published at We thank you for the votes for Vera and for the candidacies of the PSTU and the Socialist and Revolutionary Pole...

Brazil | Lula’s program: neoliberalism or developmentalism?

The PT speaks of "adopting a national strategy of fair, solidarity-based, sustainable, sovereign and creative development, seeking to overcome the neoliberal model that led...

Brazil | The Lula-Alckmin ticket is a bitter pill for workers

Faced with the current Bolsonaro government which imposes hunger, genocide and misery, it is natural that workers want to vote for anyone who will...

Brazil | Confronting coup terrorism with mobilization and self-defense

It is necessary to respond swiftly in the face of the invasion of the National Congress, the Federal Supreme Court (STF) and the Planalto...

Brazil | Deforestation of the Amazon Grew 59.5% During the Four Years of Bolsonaro’s Government

Data released on November 30, 2022 by the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) shows that the Amazon continues to be deforested during the...

Brazil | Against Bolsonaro, the path of class conciliation is a dead end

At the beginning of June, the Bolsonaro government announced another change in the leadership of Petrobras, the majority state-owned oil and gas company. It...

Brazil | Why an electoral front with the Communist Party is not possible

The upcoming presidential election in Brazil is polarized between the two candidates Lula and Bolsonaro. The pre-candidacy of Vera, a black worker and socialist,...

On the need for self-defense of the masses and armament

It is a known fact that Bolsonaro is preparing for the possibility of losing the elections and attempting a military coup. Whether this coup...

May 13: Abolition in Brazil, but without reparations

By Wagner Miquéias F. Damasceno and Cláudio Donizete, National Secretariat for Black People of the PSTU-Brazil Originally published in Portuguese here May 13 this year marks...

CSP-Conlutas goes to Ukraine with international worker convoy and delivers donations

CSP-Conlutas is part of the Convoy of Support to the Ukrainian Resistance and arrived in in Lviv last Friday (4/29). The initiative is part...

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