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Tag: Central America

Central America | The Fight for Legal Abortion Against Authoritarian and Conservative Governments

September 28th is commemorated in Latin America as the Day for the Legalization of Abortion, and every year more women and gestating people progress...

Nicaragua | Faced with an Electoral Farce, We Must Confront the Dictatorship with an Organized Rebellion

Authored by the Costa Rican, Honduran, and El Salvadoran sections of the IWL-FI (PT LIT-CI, PST LIT-CI, PCT LIT-CI) Translated by Dolores Underwood On Sunday, November...

Imperialism upholds itself through dictatorships and more repression in Central America

In the last decade, policies against workers established by imperialism, and applied by its puppet governments, are facing resistance from the peoples of Central...

Presentation of the International Courier Magazine N20, on Central America

This is the 20th edition the International Courier magazine, new epoch. The subject chosen for this number is the Central American region, whose countries...

Report on the Passing through Mexico of the First Migrant Caravan

The first members of the migrant caravan reached the City of Mexico on November 3. They decided to go through the city, which would...

Migrants’ Caravan Under Attack

Five thousand migrants from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador are in Tijuana on the Mexican-American border. CSP-Conlutas Midia Workgroup They are seeking asylum in America, fleeing...

Honduran Immigrant Caravan towards the USA: “We are not leaving because we want to. We are expelled by violence and poverty”

The more than two thousand Hondurans that are carrying out a caravan towards the USA are exposing that “Honduras is changing” and there is...

Down with Ortega! Out, you murderer dictator!

When, in April 18, Nicaraguan students began mobilizing on the streets to protest against the Social Security reform, in support to the retirees, no...

No Trust in the Dialogue with the Dictatorship

Last May 15 and 18, the first sessions of the so-called “National Dialogue” took place in Nicaragua, composed by different sectors summoned by the...

For A True Socialist And Revolutionary Program For Nicaragua

In the late 70s, the people from Nicaragua featured one of the most heroic and organized struggles that the world had seen, to defeat...

For A True Socialist And Revolutionary Program For Nicaragua

In the late 70s, the people from Nicaragua featured one of the most heroic and organized struggles that the world had seen, to defeat...

Aarón Farrach: “The Left must understand that there is a Dictatorship in Nicaragua”

Aarón Farrash (A.F.) is a Nicaraguan student. He is in exile in Costa Rica after he split with the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN),...

Continue the struggle until the dictatorship falls

April 18 opened with a series of protests against the Executive Decree that reformed the INSS (Nicaraguan Institute of Social Security). From the beginning,...

The popular rebellion has begun

A popular rebellion has begun in Nicaragua, a people that, when they fight, they take it seriously. By Roberto Herrera, PT -Costa Rica.   “Illiterate my people,...

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