Mon Mar 10, 2025
March 10, 2025

Tag: Police repression

Cuba | Protesters Brutally Persecuted by the Cuban Government After 11J Mobilizations

Seven months after the July 11, 2021 protests in Cuba, repression against demonstrators is intensifying. On January 25, after more than half a year...

We repudiate the brutal repression against communities that defend water, life and their land

In northern Mexico, in the semi-arid region called La Laguna, which includes cities such as Torreón and Gómez Palacio, as well as dozens of...

We confronted the unacceptable repression, and we occupied Brasilia!

On May 24, more than 100 thousand demonstrators, called by the Federations, occupied Brasilia. We went there to demand the end of the Labor...

We repudiate the murder of Rodrigo and Libertad! Immediate Freedom to the Ones Detained!

The brutal assault carried out by Cartes, Lugo and Llano caused the justified rebellion of thousands of people, most of them youth, in clear...

Japanese police harass and assault Zengakuren student activists

The Zengakuren students' activist group, in Japan, suffered prsecutions and attacks by the police after a 2 days rally organized in Tokyo, on September 1-2. We...

“Blue Lives Matter?” It’s Black and Latin@ People Who Are Under Attack

After the Dallas police shooting, the reactionary forces in this country are trying to shift the national rhetoric and public perception of social violence...

Statement of Izquierda Comunista in front of May 21st events in Valparaiso

In front of May 21st events in Valparaíso, Izquierda Comunista states: 1-A workers’ death is a strike to the working class as a whole. Nothing...

BlackLivesMatter continues the fight amidst state & police violences

What a month of November! While our brothers and sisters in Brazil were getting ready to celebrate the month of Black Consciousness  in the...

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