Mon Mar 10, 2025
March 10, 2025

Tag: MUD

Has Maduro consolidated his coup?

The cycle of mobilizations and demonstrations that began last April and included broad sectors of Venezuelan masses has passed, after reaching its highest point...

Venezuela through the eyes of a native working woman

My name is Ana Salas, I work in the educational area, and at this very moment, I may be one of the few Venezuelan...

Debates with the Left Currents

The Venezuelan political situation deepens, and so do the debates among the Latin American and the world left on what is the correct policy...

Confront and Defeat Maduro and the PSUV’s Coup Project

With the voting of July 30 on the fraudulent Constituent Assembly, the Maduro administration took one more step on his anti-democratic and repressive turn,...

On July 30, do not vote for the illegal and fraudulent Constituent!

Tension grows across the country. After the “Popular consult” called by the MUD -which had an important participation- and the “civic stoppage,” now the...

On July 30, do not vote for the illegal and fraudulent Constituent!

Tension grows across the country. After the “Popular consult” called by the MUD -which had an important participation- and the “civic stoppage,” now the...

Workers do not join to the bosses’ strike!

The situation in Venezuela is increasingly tense. The political crisis deepens and the economy continues in free fall, with a tendency to aggravate, which...

Let’s Reject Maduro and the PSUV’s Call for a Constituent Assembly!

Maduro’s government signed a decree on May 1st calling for a National Constituent Assembly, for citizens and broad popular participation. The world newspapers have...

Popular workers’ mobilization to end Maduro’s government!

Let us prepare a general strike, independent from the MUD and the bosses In midst of one of the greatest catastrophes the Venezuelan people has...

It is not a lie, we are starving!

by Rosa Cecilia Lemos - UST Venezuela. Alberto, a young worker with two little children, is really upset. “This is criminal”, he states. And it is...

On the MUD demonstration of September 1st

The Platform of People in Struggle and Critic Chavism pronounces in front of the demonstration called by the MUD The Platform of People in Struggle...

We need a national struggle for food! Out with Maduro!

The situation of the working class, the workers and popular sectors is getting worst. Beyond Maduro’s promises of an improvement over the next months,...

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