Mon Mar 10, 2025
March 10, 2025

Tag: Macri's Repression


To the Judiciary, to the usual politicians, to the repressive forces, to the treacherous leadership... By PSTU-Argentina Daniel Ruiz’ and César Arakaki’s trials are in their...

Urgent: attempt against Sebastián Romero’s lawyer

From the PSTU, we denounce the attempt suffered by Martín Alderete, Sebatián Romero’s lawyer, on the morning of January 15. Someone broke his car...

Urgent: attempt against Sebastián Romero’s lawyer

From the PSTU, we denounce the attempt suffered by Martín Alderete, Sebatián Romero’s lawyer, on the morning of January 15. Someone broke his car...

Letter to labor, political, and social organizations in defense of the workers’ and people’s rights

Comrades, The repressive escalade by Macri’s government that deepened before the rejection of thousands clearly targets those who are on the streets defending the rights...

Deputies vote the adjustment, workers reject it

The end of the year is usually an intense period in our country, and 2017 is not the exception. The government wants to advance...

Deputies vote the adjustment, workers reject it

The end of the year is usually an intense period in our country, and 2017 is not the exception. The government wants to advance...

End repression and criminalization of social protest

Today, Wednesday 20, at 5 pm, there will be a Press Conference. The government violently repressed thousands of workers in the Congress Square in defense...

End the persecution of Sebastian Romero and of all activists!

Macri’s government, just like many in other countries, is showing up to what point he is willing to go to impose his adjustment plan,...

End the persecution of Sebastian Romero and of all activists!

Macri’s government, just like many in other countries, is showing up to what point he is willing to go to impose his adjustment plan,...

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