Out with Temer, Rousseff, Aécio, Bolsonaro, Dornelles, Paes! Out with them all!
The 2016 Rio Olympics are in course since August 5, amid increasing political...
We live turbulent times. The political and economic crisis arrives in the country at a devastating speed. Many activists feel disoriented, and in the...
Dilma’s government is sinking into a major political crisis, because she betrayed the promises she made to the population during her campaign. Denounces for...
What is behind Marina, the Folha and Renan's defense of "general elections"?
Diego Cruz - PSTU - Brazil
The deepening of the political crisis over the...
Out with Dilma, Cunha, Temer, Aecio and this Congress!
Out with them all!
After promoting another maneuver in the Ethics Committee to postpone his own dismissal...