Faced with the capitalist management of the pandemic and the new offensive of capital, organise the response to the governments and the EU.
By IWL-FI...
The events in Ceuta lay bare the migration policies of the European Union and the Spanish government, in this case, the PSOE-UP coalition government....
THE European Union (EU) has suffered the worst crisis since its foundation. Far from being temporary, it is its foundations that tremble.
By Felipe Alegría...
Since the 1990s German workers have suffered increasingly precarious work, and the German union bureaucracies collaborated in these attacks with the state and big...
The PSOE and UP (Unidas Podemos) have reached a preliminary deal to establish a "progressive coalition government." After Sanchez’s electoral fiasco, UP’s plummeting and...
Macron’s government made a real factory of reactionary reforms: he deepened the labor reform, the privatization of the rail and attacks on rail workers’...
Solidarity with the striking railway workers and all those striking to defend public services and jobs
From 3 April for three months strikes, rallies and...
After the German steelworkers carried out a strong wave of strikes, their national union, IG Metall, reached an agreement with the Südwestmetall employers’ federation,...