March 8 marked by strikes and massive demonstrations


In over 170 countries, millions went onto the streets for the International Working Women’s Day. Despite the bourgeois propaganda, it was not a “celebration” day nor anything like that. It was a day of struggle, demonstrations and strikes.
By Editorial Team.
There were strikes in several workplaces, responding to the international women’s strike, in addition to the major demonstrations.
The protests had two high points: the Spanish State (over 4 million people) and Argentina (over 70 thousand participated in the demo). In Italy, transportation stopped. In Montevideo (Uruguay) there were 300.000 demonstrators. In Asunción (Paraguay), another 6 thousand. But there were also demos in countries under theocratic dictatorships, like Iran and Saudi Arabia – expressing the movement strength.
The reason for this explosion of discontent, related to the outrage against capitalist governments and their attacks to the working class, lies on the intensification of the international financial crisis and its political reflexions in each country.
Together with the crisis, oppression also increases – as a mechanism of the bourgeoisie to divide and exploit the class even more – together with male-chauvinist violence. The numbers are horrifying: one in three women suffered physical or sexual violence, and there is a femicide every 10 minutes.
Immigrant, refugees and poor women are the most vulnerable. And, to this, we need to add the killing of trans women, usually not considered by official statistics.
To sum up, March 8 was a day of struggle, outrage, collective protest. We post here a brief, incomplete summary of the demos.








