Here, we are republishing a 2018 article that appeared in our theoretical magazine, Trotskyism Today, summarizing Trotsky’s analysis of fascism.Fabiana Stefanoni
The debate on the nature...
The IWL-FI (International Workers League - Fourth International) was founded 40 years ago, although it is the continuation of a movement that was first...
When the German Chancellor Angela Merkel declared that the current COVID-19 pandemic was Germany's biggest challenge since World War II, she gave the impression...
The Netflix Company is reproducing a series produced by the Putin administration about Leon Trotsky’s life. It is a gross and unacceptable falsification of...
Imperialist domination advances and deepens in Latin America. Political independence achieved in the XIX century is formal and limited. The bourgeois nationalist movements failed...
The documentary Peace Land and Bread addresses the Russian Revolution and its lessons.
Workers, students and activists from labor and people's movements attended avant-premiere sessions...