Mon Oct 21, 2024
October 21, 2024

Tag: Stalinism

Projetamento Economics: a Stalinist Farse

A rehashed "theory" emerged in Stalinism to explain the economic growth of China in recent decades and, at the same time, to justify what...

Gorbachev: the key figure of the capitalist restoration of the former USSR

Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev, President of the former Soviet Union in the late 1980s and early 1990s, died yesterday in Moscow aged 91. By Alexander...

Brazil | Why an electoral front with the Communist Party is not possible

The upcoming presidential election in Brazil is polarized between the two candidates Lula and Bolsonaro. The pre-candidacy of Vera, a black worker and socialist,...

On the capitalist dictatorship in Cuba. Polemic with SCR-IMT, or the importance of calling ourselves Trotskyists

As was to be expected, in the face of the popular demonstrations in Cuba against the Castro regime of Diaz-Canel that began a few...

Special | Stalinism and Trotskyism: Reassessing their Legacies in the Face of Eastern European Upheaval

By Martín Hernández Originally published in Spanish in the magazine Correo Internacional no. 17, May 2017, 44-47. Translated by Dolores Underwood from this article When the...

Special | Lessons from the Thirty Years Following the Collapse of the USSR

9 December 2021 In August 1991, mass demonstrations in Moscow and across the entire USSR brought down the dictatorial regime of the Communist Party of...

Assessing the History of the Former USSR

9 December 2021 A special edition published originally in Spanish by the IWL-FI here. The debates amongst international fighters in the working class, particularly about how...

Marx and the Fight against Oppression

Many activists believe that the fight against oppression is a relatively new phenomenon. Moreover, they believe that Marxist organizations never gave much importance to...

About North Korea's situation

On the past few weeks, there has been an intensification of the negotiations between US imperialism and the Kim Jong-un's North Korean regime about...

Russian Revolution: 100 years

On 1917, the day after the triumph of the Russian Revolution, Lenin, its main leader, began his speech in the All-Russian Congress of the...

Bolchevism and Stalinism: opposite poles

This year we are celebrating the 100 years of the October 1917 Revolution. The first victorious socialist revolution, the first Workers’ State established in...

The Verdict of History – Prologue to Russian Edition

This new edition, now in Russian, of The Verdict of History ,is added to the one in Portuguese (2008), the one in Spanish (2009), and...

Issue 17 of International Courier Launched

The 17th issue of the International Courier magazine has just been launched, dedicated to the 100 years of the Russian Revolution. The issue was...

77 years later: to continue Trotsky’s battle is to reconstruct the IV International

On the 100-years anniversary of the Russian Revolution, and the 77th anniversary of Leon Trotsky’s murder by a Stalinist agent, Trotsky’s legacy is more...

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