By Corriente Roja Madrid Public education flooded the streets of Madrid on February 23, 2025. Class unions, political and social organizations, educational personnel, the university community, and students and...
By Corriente Roja
The European population is witnessing a new rise in interest rates mandated by the European Central Bank. The US Federal Reserve is...
By Corriente Roja - Spanish State
In the Spanish State, 75.3% of the approximately three million people who work part-time are women. According to a...
The events in Ceuta lay bare the migration policies of the European Union and the Spanish government, in this case, the PSOE-UP coalition government....
The 2008 economic crisis shook with tectonic force the old social stability in the Spanish State.
By Juan Ramos
The real estate speculative bubble ruptured, and...
The PSOE and UP (Unidas Podemos) have reached a preliminary deal to establish a "progressive coalition government." After Sanchez’s electoral fiasco, UP’s plummeting and...
We reproduce below a section dedicated to Durruti from the chapter on anarchism in the book “A Silenced Revolution”
By Ángel Luis Parras
The capitulation of...
The Alcoa conflict in defense of jobs has uncovered the new industrial reconversion that is taking place. The destruction of the electro-intensive industry that...
Like last year, the State Commission for 8M will again call it labour, students and consumer strike, and feminist care workers strike.
By Laura R.