Before the electoral fraud in Honduras, National Civic Strike!

Statement by the Central American Parties of the International Workers League before the major political crisis in Honduras


As Central-American peoples, we followed closely the electoral campaign of the last few months in Honduras and its peak, on November 26, in which millions of workers rejected the re-election of Juan Orlando Hernández. Manipulating all institutions, he imposed himself as a presidential candidate and now pretends to impose himself as the president in the same way.Before this serious situation, we state:
We strongly reject the fraud they are trying to impose in Honduras’ election, which aims to legitimize the continuation of Juan Orlando Hernández as the president.
We make the Supreme Electoral Court of Honduras responsible for the situation of crisis in the country, as it only served as a tool of the current government to cover up the fraud and eliminate the popular will from the results.
We condemn the nefarious role of the OAS’ international observers’ missions, as they an imperialist tool and so protagonists of the fraud. Just like the European Union and other international bodies, which keep an accomplice silence before the fraud taking place right in front of them in Honduras.
We make the government of Juan Orlando Hernández and the State Security Forces responsible of any violation to human rights that our brother people in Honduras might suffer as a product of its legitimate right to upraise against tyranny.
We call the labor, peasant, popular, and students’ organizations to call, organize, and lead the National Civic Strike to defeat the current dictatorial regime of JOH.
We warn the working class in Honduras to only trust their own forces and not to trust Libre nor the Alliance, who call to keep the “social peace,” wait for the results, check the acts, etc. They hesitate to give the blunt response that the Honduras’ people have to give. Before the current fraud, we need to organize the resistance, and call for a Meeting of the labor, peasants, popular, and students’ organization to define the next steps. We cannot accept the Alliance as an interlocutor before the possible negotiations taking place “in the top.” Our main goal is Down with the Fraud and Out With JOH.
We demand the governments of Salvador Sánchez Cerén, from El Salvador, and Luis Guillermo Solís, from Costa Rica, as well as to all other governments in Central America, to break relationships with the dictatorial government of Honduras.
Lastly, we make a call to the international organizations to manifest in Honduras’ Embassies and Consulates in our countries in solidarity with the fair fight of the Honduran people.
Socialist Workers’ Party – PST Honduras
Workers’ Party – PT Costa Rica
Socialist Workers’ Unity – UST El Salvador

 November 30, 2017.


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