Mon Jun 17, 2024
June 17, 2024

IWL-FI TV launches its first program. Watch it now!

The first issue of our program shows interviews with IWL-FI militants, in which they explain the main events of the class struggle in their countries.

You can watch interviews with Soraya Misleh, a Brazilian-Palestine activist who talks about the last failed Israeli attempt to occupy the Gaza strip; Rosemary Ladybug, from the Workers’ Voice, IWL American section, on the uprising of the US Black people against police violence; the Mexican comrade Mariano, who explains the aftermath of the kidnapping and probable murder of 43 teacher-training students from Ayotzinapa and the current crisis that reaches the presidente of Mexico Peña Nieto.

Following these interviews, Zé Maria, from the Brazilian PSTU and candidate for the presidency of his country this year, explains what happened in Brazil after the huge popular demonstrations that began in June 2013; Fabiana Stefanoni (PdAC) talks about the general strike that happened in Italy just a few days ago and Angel Luis Parras provides an overview of the new Spanish party Podemos, which appeared a few months ago and is in the race to win next general elections in the Spanish State. Finally, the anchorwoman Rosa Lemos presents the IWL-FI’s position on the restoration of diplomatic relations betwenn US and Cuba.

To read English subtitles (sorry, it’s an automatic translation) click on the configuration icon (a gear) and choose the language. The IWL-FI communication team hope you enjoy this first program.

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