Mon Sep 16, 2024
September 16, 2024

International Courier

International Courier: France, Britain The Working Class is Back

DOWNLOAD INTERNATIONAL COURIER HERE! This special issue of International Courier presents a recent synthesis of the heterogeneous situation in which the European proletariats find themselves, although they share a context...

International Courier on Black Africa Available Soon!

The International Courier magazine number 19 is dedicated to Black Africa. Imperialist colonization and the...

The “Democratic Reaction”: From Vietnam To Iraq Syndrome

In 1975, the United States suffered a severe military defeat in the Vietnam War...

Opportunism and Trotskyism in the Face of Popular Front Governments

  In the beginning of the 80’s, Nahuel Moreno, founder of the IWL-FI, debated extensively and...

1905: the dress rehearsal of the Russian Revolution

In 1905, the Russian proletariat starred in the first great wave of strikes of...

1905: the dress rehearsal of the Russian Revolution

In 1905, the Russian proletariat starred in the first great wave of strikes of the twentieth century. for the first time, in the midst...

Birth and evolution of Orientalist discourse: a Marxist appraisal

Besides serving to interpret the world, the speech is a tool for transmitting ideologies. It also serves to legitimize and explain the actions...

On the 100th anniversary of the Zimmerwald Conference, what lessons should we learn? Part II

In September this year, when the Zimmerwald Conference completed its 100th anniversary, a lot of articles and essays referring to this event was...

A hundred years since the Zimmerwald Conference – Part 1

In September 1915, a handful of leaders of the Second International gathered at the Zimmerwald Conference, in Switzerland, to try to reach a...

Who was Leon Trotsky?

His life Liev Davidovich Bronstein was born on October 26, 1879, in the Ukrainian village of Yanovka, Russian Empire. Jew, son of middle peasants, he...

Engels: The General of the Revolution

When Friedrich Engels died in August 5, 1895 in London, it could be read on the theoretical journal of the German Social Democracy,...

On “post-modern” idealism, deterministic materialism and the radical critique of Marx and Engels

Nowadays it is becoming common to claim that there is no such thing as truth; what would exist are merely interpretations, particular points...

Ta Thu Thau: Vietnamese Trotskyist Leader

In 1945, 70 years ago, Ta Thu Thau (great fighter against French colonial rule and the main Trotskyist leader in Vietnam) was shot...

History: The war for National Liberation in Vietnam and the agrarian revolution

Forty years ago, on May 1975, the American imperialism was defeated in Vietnam by the resistance of the Vietcong and all the Vietnamese people....

What Are the Origins of May Day?

This short article by Rosa Luxemburg shows the steps given by the working class in the world to create the First of May...

Pietro Tresso (Blasco), Trotskyist militant and founder of the IV International

Pietro Tresso (Blasco) was born on the 30th of January 1893, in Magrè di Schio in the province of Vicenza, in Italy. In 1921,...

IWL-FI TV launches its first program. Watch it now!

The first issue of our program shows interviews with IWL-FI militants, in which they explain the main events of the class struggle in...

Being a Trotskyist in the 21st century

Nahuel Moreno wrote a short essay entitled Being a Trotskyist today in 1985. In it, the Argentine Trotskyist leader claimed what he believed...

Marxism and the myth of democracy

Mass demonstrations around the world generally open a period of enormous possibilities for the mass movement. But also of enormous dangers.  Along with the...