We repudiate the murder of PSOL's councilor Marielle


The PSTU stands in solidarity with the family and friends of councilor Marielle Franco, as well as with the PSOL members, and demands a rigorous investigation of this barbaric crime. She was shot on Wednesday night, in Estácio, Rio de Janeiro.
Everything indicates it was an execution. A vehicle positioned next to the car where she was in and the killers shot hitting her and the driver, Anderson Pedro Gomes, who also died. The killers ran automatically after.
Marielle had just denounced a truculent action by the Military Police (PM) in the Favela de Acari a few days ago.
Her murder shows once again that the military intervention in Rio does not bring security to the population but generates more repression and violence against the poor and black people from the periphery, as well as against social movements’ activists.
The death of Marielle is responsability not only of those who executed her but of all the governments that promoted Rio de Janeiro’s intervention; the same ones that exploit, cause violence in workplaces, and pauperize health and education.
The PSTU adheres to the demand of investigation and punishment of the killers and those who ordered it.
Down with the military intervention in Rio!
End violence and repression against the poor and black people in the peripheries!
Out with Temer, Pezão and Crivella!

PSTU National Leadership.


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