Fri Mar 14, 2025
March 14, 2025

PSTU’s statement on the opening of impeachment proceedings against president Dilma Rousseff

Out with Dilma, Cunha, Temer, Aecio and this Congress!

Out with them all!

After promoting another maneuver in the Ethics Committee to postpone his own dismissal process on grounds of corruption, the Speaker of the lower house, Eduardo Cunha (PMDB), decided to initiate the procedure that may lead to the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff.

It seems a slapstick film. The situation created by the number of politicians and senior officials involved in the Lava-Jato investigation [into corruption at the state-run oil company Petrobras] is much like that song, “If you shout catch the robber, no one is set free, brother.”

The PSTU has been advocating for some time  the need for workers to organize and go to the streets to put an end to the government of Dilma-PT, but also to oust Cunha, Aécio (PSDB), Michel Temer (the vice-president, PMDB) and this Congress. Dilma lied in the presidential elections, saying she wouldn’t never attack workers’ achievements. However, her government has done nothing but to attack the rights and living conditions of workers, youth and poor people to defend the profits of banks and large companies.

We can’t accept that the rich put the crisis on workers’ backs. We want employment, salary, housing, health, education, no loss of rights and the end of all corruption. We demand the federal administration and the Congress (as well as state governors) to suspend the payment of the public debt to the bankers and stop the cuts in the social budget, the rights and workers’ jobs.

Therefore, we say that toppling Dilma is not enough. It is necessary to remove all this scum of PMDB and the PSDB as well, starting with the main ones: Eduardo Cunha and Temer, Aécio Neves and this Congress, whose vast majority of representatives and senators are funded by contractors (the same that are muddied in the Lava Jato investigation), banks, mining companies and big agribusiness companies. Dilma, Cunha, Aécio, Temer and this Congress are fighting each other to see who governs, but are together and united to attack the workers rights.

Therefore, we have always said that impeachment does not solve our situation. First, because it’s useless to substitute Temer or Cunha for Dilma [1],  or support Aécio Neves from the PSDB, who advocates the same proposals implemented by Dilma Rousseff. We already know the PSDB: it’s schooled in corruption, privatization and repression. Either it hits teachers, as the governor of Paraná, or high school students, as the governor of São Paulo, Geraldo Alckmin, is doing just now. Second, because the Congress is a den of corrupt, committed to contractors, bankers, landowners and mining companies such as Vale/Samarco, and they will keep attacking our rights to defend the banks and big business.

Before the juncture opened by the acceptance of the impeachment procedures, we want to reaffirm our view: We are in favor of putting out the PT government, but also Eduardo Cunha, Temer, Aécio Neves and the National Congress, which has no legitimacy to decide who should be President and not or to take away workers’ rights, while they increase their own salaries.

The workers and the majority of the people should not support Dilma, or Cunha or Aécio, who are fighting for right-wing governments, with Michel Temer or Aécio Neves ahead, and this Congress. The working class and the youth need to fight in defense of their demands and against all of them. It is through the mobilization to put them all out, in support of our demands and against the austerity plan defended by them, that a rank-and-file alternative to run the country can be built.

For now, as we do not have an organization of workers and poor people supported on their struggles to govern – the only way to guarantee a real change – we demand the calling of new general elections, for President of the Republic, senators, congressmen and governors. That the people can change everyone if they want to. What can’t be accepted at all is that any one of them could govern without popular endorsement.

We continue to believe that the only way to promote the changes that workers need in our country is by our mobilization, our struggle. We must unite the workers in a General Strike in defense of our rights and for effective changes in the country. We call all political, trade unions and popular and youth organization to strengthen the building of this mobilization. It is the only way to prevent the solution of the crisis facing the country from being just one more act of this circus show that we are witnessing in Brasilia.

It is also the working class struggle that can create the conditions for building a Workers’ Socialist Government without bosses and corrupt in our country, organized and run in a completely different way than we have today, formed from workers councils, based on the struggle and organization of our class.

Only such a government will end the reign of bankers and multinationals and will implement an economic program that meets the needs of the working class and poor people. Only a government of our class will change our country and end all forms of violence against the poor people and the outskirts black youth, ending racism, sexism and LGBTphobia. Only a government of our class will change Brazil, building a socialist society and ensure decent life for all.

Out with Dilma, Cunha, Temer, Aécio and this Congress!

Out with them all!

General Elections now! For President, Governors, Representatives and Senators. That the people may elect and change who they will!

For employment, wages, housing, health, education and the end of all corruption! That the rich pay for the crisis.

It is necessary to build a general strike in defense of workers’ rights!

For a workers’ socialist government without bosses and corrupt!

National PSTU leadership



[1] – According to Brazilian constitution, the first in the presidential line of succession is the Vice President, and the second is the Speaker of the lower house.

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