Open schools on October 1, and General Strike on October 3!


Over the last week, we have lived the brutal violation of the most basic democratic rights. The State has intervened in the Generalitat and imposed a police state. They want to avoid, at any cost, for the people to vote on October 1st so our will is respected. They have transferred thousands of policemen and civil guards with such a goal.By Corrent Roig.

Before these measures, typical of a dictatorship, people arose massively, featuring the youth with stoppages in universities and institutes, carrying out the largest demonstrations of the last years.
The left unions, social movements, and left organizations agreed to call and support the General Strike on October 3 against the repression, in defense of the referendum and our freedoms. Of course, the bureaucracies of the CCOO and UGT were not part of the meetings and refused to support the strike, without consulting its rank and file.
The General Strike is essential to tip the scales and ensure we can exercise our right to self-determination, and also raise the social demands flags of the working class and youth. What we want is a social, sovereign Catalan Republic. We have to strike with a voice of our own. In this frame, we have to fully support the calls of students’ unions.
We call to prepare all together the plan for October 1st and the strike of October 3. With massive assemblies in every workplace, university, school, neighborhood, or village, coordinating with the Committees of Defense of the referendum. We need to show up massively at schools on October 1 to impose their opening while we prepare the General Strike of O3. The voting of O1 will not be guaranteed by the Mossos d’Esquadra [Catalonian Police] but by us.
From Corrent Roig, we do not trust the Government of the Generalitat to guarantee the referendum, and even less the proclamation of the Catalan Republic nor for the latter to have the social nature that workers and the people need. Thus, workers and the people, the organizations decided to guarantee the sovereignty process, have to take into our own hands the tasks posed by the struggle for the referendum and the Catalan Republic.
We make a call to all union organizations encouraging the strike to joint the anti-repressive struggle and the struggle for democracy with the basic social demands that we have been fighting for, like derogation of the labor reforms and the LOMCE [Organic Law for the Improvement of Educational Quality], and a dignified social security covered by the budget.
From Corrent Roig, we are convinced that it is necessary to immediately proclaim the Catalan Republic and the opening of a popular, democratic Constituent process because without breaking with this regime, inheritor of Franquismo, there will never be the right to self-determination nor will we be able to be self-determine socially and economically.
In Defense of the Referendum! All to the voting points on O1!
General Strike on O3: Against repression and for democratic freedoms! Derogation of the labor reforms and the LOMCE! In defense of social security!


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