A global women strike was called for March 8, on the International Working Women’s Day. Dozens of cities across the world with participation of thousands in demonstrations, strikes, performances, meetings and a great amount of activities showed women are ready to raise their voices, take on the streets and fight for their rights. Take a look at some of the pictures of the demos in America.
The movement #NiUnaMenos started in Buenos Aires on 2015 against femicides and violence against women. The slogan grew massively and expanded through the continent and the world.
This year, more than 100 thousand people gathered in Plaza de Mayo, together with men, demanding, among other things, to stop femicides, and for women’s labor conditions. Professors (currently in struggle), Metro workers, Metal workers, graphic workers and several other sectors marched demanding from the Unions to call a date for a General Strike.
In Mexico, the slogan was quickly adopted, and since 2015 Mexican women have been struggling in defense of their rights and lives – specially since Trump’s presidency and after the bills against immigrants. This was yesterday’s demonstration:
The United States, where women’s mobilization had its first great wave on January 21st, one day after Trump’s inauguration, yesterday had demonstrations in several cities and in front of several public entities. In New York there was repression and some activists were detained:
In Brazil there were demonstrations in at least 7 of the biggest cities. The day of action began with assemblies, meetings and partial soppages in workplaces, and the demonstrations were marked by workers’ solidarity in general, the slogan Fora Temer (Out With Temer) and against the labor, retirement and social security reforms of the government:
Still in America, there were also great demonstrations in Uruguay, Paraguay, Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras and El Salvador:
Check out some videos too (translation available by request):
Buenos Aires – demo demanding General Strike: https://www.facebook.com/litci.cuartainternacional/videos/1433375850027045/
São Paulo: https://www.facebook.com/litci.cuartainternacional/videos/1433706683327295
Rio de Janeiro: https://www.facebook.com/litci.cuartainternacional/videos/1432725576758739/
Aracaju (Brazil): https://www.facebook.com/litci.cuartainternacional/videos/1432479656783331/
Costa Rica: https://www.facebook.com/litci.cuartainternacional/videos/1433398256691471
U.S.: https://www.facebook.com/juanmanuelgarcia/videos/10106429812530953/