Against the PEC 55 and the labour and social security reforms; in defense of jobs and salaries.
By CSP-Conlutas.
Certainly you know someone who is unemployed. Unemployment in Brazil already hits 22 million people, according to recent information of the IBGE [Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics]. That is many people! The inflation knocks the door, no one can pay for the bills – neither rice and beans at the supermarket or energy nor gas and other services. And who does not have at least one debt?
To solve this major crisis, the government is charging the weight on the workers’ shoulders. Like this, businessmen, bankers and the agro-business, for example, are not only not affected by the crisis as they take benefit out of it.
I Will Not Pay!
Only the workers pay for that bill. For the labour rights such as paid vacations, Christmas Bonus Salary and extras, outsourced jobs, with lower salaries and rights, through the labour reform; through the Social Security reform, the impossibility of retirement until the age of 65 to only then receive a pension; through the PEC 55 (Ex Proposal of Constitutional Amendment – PEC 241), reduction and freeze of the budget for health, education and other social services. The ban of the public workers’ right to strike and the end of public tenders; frozen salary and career plans; the privatization of Petrobras; among many other measures. It is terrible. But these measures are not something new, and they have no support of the population, which already showed its rejection to the politicians, governments and plans.
Let Us Struggle!
There were more than 1100 schools, federal institutes and universities occupied. With the approval of the PEC 241/16 in the Low Chamber, sent to the Senate as PEC 55, university students intensified their actions. The administrative technicians of the federal universities, the bases of the Fasubra [Federation of Techincal-Administrative Workers of Public Universities of Brazil], went to strike on October 24; there are also partial strikes among the technicians and professors of the Federal Institutes of Education, besides the profresors of the Federal Universities. During the weekend of November 5-6, Andes-SN [National Union of Teachers of Higher Education Institution] and Sinasefe [National Union of Federal Workers of Basic, Professional and Technical Education], entities affiliated to the CSP-Conlutas, approved the intensification of the movement and the strike until November 18.
The National Day Of Struggles, in November 11, approved by the Union Federations, with the public workers and sectors of the Education heading the movement, expresses the workers’ disposal to struggle is strong. They blocked streets in São Paulo, Rio Grande do Norte, Bahia and other states; there were stoppages in factories, demonstrations through the streets of the capitals, in the schools and in the universities. We have the task of preparing the National Day Of Struggle and Strike on November 25. Let us make meetings and strikes, stoppages, protests and demonstrations!
Workers of the city and the countryside, factory workers, public workers, youth, everyone fighting against the oppressions and in defense of housing: it is time to say NO! Time to say Enough! Let us prepare the General Strike now!