Cycle of Debates: 100 years of the Russian Revolution


On November 10, 11, and 12, the IWL-FI and PSTU (Brazil) will be promoting a cycle of debates on the 100 years of the Russian Revolution, in São Paulo.
See the calendar below:
Preview of the documentary Peace, Bread, and Land

  • Friday, Nov 10, 8 pmSalão Nobre da Faculdade de Direito da USP – Largo São Francisco, Center of SP.
    After the movie, there will be a debate with directors and leaders.

Sindicato dos Eletricitários de São Paulo
Rua Thomas Gonzaga, 50, 1st floor.
Liberdade, São Paulo.

  • Saturday, Nov 11, 9 am: Stalinism and Capitalist Restoration – Ángel Luis Parras (IWL) and Mauro Iasi (PCB)
  • Saturday, Nov 11, 2 pm: Venezuela, Latin America and revolutionary strategy for the region – Eduardo Almeida (IWL) and Gilberto Maringoni, professor and cartoonist (PSOL)
  • Saturday, Nov 11, 7 pm: Reform and Revolution today: The role of bourgeois elections – Zé Maria (PSTU)
  • Sunday, Nov 12, 9 am: Currency of the Bolshevik Party, or Anticapitalist Parties? – Francesco Ricci (PdAC – Italy), Roberto Robaina (PSOL/MES)
  • Sunday, Nov 12, 2 pm: Oppressions and Russian Revolution – Mariucha Fontana (PSTU), Hertz Dias (PSTU), Rosa Cecilia (PST – Colombia)
  • Closure: The International, sang by Gíria Vermelha


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