Sun Mar 09, 2025
March 09, 2025

Year highlights

Ukrainian military resistance and the new momentum of the war

We are facing a new situation in the war in Ukraine. The surprising success of the Ukrainian resistance - whose military includes a significant majority of workers and members...

Labor Network prepares second Workers’ Aid Convoy to Ukraine

The International Labour Network for Solidarity and Struggles plans to send a second convoy...

Six months after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has now reached its sixth month. When Putin's troops...

The Shipment of Tanks and Weapons to Ukraine is Insufficient

With less than a month before the Russian invasion of Ukraine marks its first...

The Shipment of Tanks and Weapons to Ukraine is Insufficient

With less than a month before the Russian invasion of Ukraine marks its first anniversary, and following months of indecision, German and US governments...

Trade Union Network hosts conference with Ukrainian trade unionists in December

The International Labour Network of Solidarity and Struggle will host an online conference, “Workers’ Aid to Ukraine,” with and trade unionists from the industrial...

Down with Putin’s forced “mobilization” and “referendums”! ...

The advance of Ukrainian troops in the Kharkov region presupposes a major reversal of Putin's war, the quick and "easy" occupation by "special forces"...

Once again: weapons for Ukraine

The Ukrainian resistance - its armed forces and territorial defenses, the latter concealed by the bourgeois press - achieved what seemed impossible: to force...

Ukrainian resistance thwarted a quick Russian victory

Russia's invasion of Ukraine enters its fourth month. The heroic Ukrainian resistance thwarted Putin's initial plans: a withering attack that in a few days...

Voices from Ukrainian Resistance

The IWL-FI is developing a robust international campaign in support of the Ukrainian resistance against Putin's invasion. We have promoted various united solidarity activities,...

CSP-Conlutas goes to Ukraine with international worker convoy and delivers donations

CSP-Conlutas is part of the Convoy of Support to the Ukrainian Resistance and arrived in in Lviv last Friday (4/29). The initiative is part...

May Day | Workers of the world: Let us support the Ukrainian resistance against Putin’s invasion.

Last February 24th, the Russian army invaded Ukraine by order of Vladimir Putin's regime, which, having military superiority, expected to win a quick victory....

Convoy to take delegation of workers to Ukraine

Between April and May, the Workers Convoy to Ukraine of the International Trade Union Network of Solidarity and Struggles will strengthen class resistance in...

Russian Troops Out Of Ukraine! All Support To The Resistance!

The extremely brutal invasion of Ukraine by the Russian army has caused devastation and the deaths of many people. But the Ukrainian people are...

Ukraine at War: Current Labor Reform Law Attacks Workers' Rights and Weakens the Resistance

The aggression of the Russian government daily claims thousands of Ukrainian lives, while the hardships of the working people and the harassment of the...

Weapons for Ukrainian Resistance!

Recent events reaffirm that we are living in the epoch of imperialist decadence. Lenin predicted that this would be an epoch of catastrophes and...

For a broad international campaign of support and solidarity with the Ukrainian resistance! For the defeat of the Russian army's invasion! No to NATO!

In a recent interview, Yuri Petrovich Samoilov, chairman of the Krivoy Rog Independent Miners’ Union, Dniepropetrovsk region, Ukraine, denounces the fierce aggression they are...

IWL-FI and UIT-CI International Appeal

We call on a big international campaign of support and solidarity with the Ukrainian resistance, for the defeat of the invasion of the Russian...