Thu Jan 30, 2025
January 30, 2025

Latin America

Where is Mercosur heading?

A new Mercosur summit was held in Montevideo in the first week of December. The main item on the agenda was the signing of a free trade agreement with...

Fires: Latin America Cries Out for Help! The power of the capitalists must be broken

As Latin Americans, where statistics show that Catholicism is predominant, it is possible that...

Competing imperialist powers exploit Latin America

By JOSE MONTEROJO The inter-imperialist rivalry in which the dominant imperialist powers (primarily the United...

“Progressive governments”: A not-so-pink new wave

The cycle of electoral victories of so-called progressive parties, which had already brought Gabriel...

Central America | The Fight for Legal Abortion Against Authoritarian and Conservative Governments

September 28th is commemorated in Latin America as the Day for the Legalization of...

Central America | The Fight for Legal Abortion Against Authoritarian and Conservative Governments

September 28th is commemorated in Latin America as the Day for the Legalization of Abortion, and every year more women and gestating people progress...

Cuba | Protesters Brutally Persecuted by the Cuban Government After 11J Mobilizations

Seven months after the July 11, 2021 protests in Cuba, repression against demonstrators is intensifying. On January 25, after more than half a year...

Peru | Those Responsible for the Ecological Disaster in Ventanilla Should be Jailed!

REPSOL out of Peru! Expropriate La Pampilla refinery and clean up the environmental disaster! The oil spill is the responsibility of REPSOL and the...

Argentina | Defeating the IMF Agreement

February 8, 2022 With the beginning of another agreement reached with the IMF, we begin another chapter in the chronicles of fiscal imperialism. The IMF...

Mexico | Historic victory of GM Silao workers. Yes, it is Possible to Defeat the Companies and Union Puppets

SINTTIA, the National Independent Union of Automotive Industry Workers (Sindicato Independiente Nacional de Trabajadores y Trabajadoras de la Industria Automotriz in Spanish), achieved an...

Argentina | 20 years of the Argentinazo, Memories, and Lessons

December 8, 2021 During the 90s, Carlos Menem’s government unleashed a neoliberal offensive on our country. Once taking power, he allied himself with Alsogaray (a...

Brazil | With Bolsonaro’s Support, the Amazon Suffers Another Gold Rush

December 14, 2021 On December 6, the newspaper “Folha de S. Paulo” published a report showing that this year, general Augusto Heleno, minister of the...

Chile | We Defeated Kast at the Ballot Box! What Should We Expect from Boric’s Government?

December 23, 2021 Many workers, youth, and fighters are breathing a sigh of relief at the results of the second round of voting in Chile....

Chile | Defeat Kast in the Streets and at the Ballot Box! Zero Trust in Boric!

Authored by MIT, the Chilean section of the IWL-FI Translated by: Dolores Underwood The electoral results last Sunday were a surprise within Chile and across the...

Chile | Two Years After October 18: Lessons and Perspectives

October 19, 2021 Two years ago, millions of us took the streets to say “enough.” Young people took the lead with students hopping the subway...

Mexico| Imposition, Irresponsibility, and Deceit : On the Return to In-person Classes

The “Fourth Transformation” government’s attempt to impose a return to in-person classes launched by President López Obrador with the imperative slogan “come rain or...

Cuba| Petition Campaign to Free Those Imprisoned for Engaging in the Struggle!

Between the night of July 11 and the afternoon of August 30, a group operating both inside and outside Cuba has reported—based on accounts...

Peru | Workers Face the Castillo Government

By PST-Peru (Partido Socialista de los Trabajadores, Socialist Workers Party), translated by Dolores Underwood The Workers’ General Confederation of Peru (CGTP in Spanish, a national...

Chile | A political earthquake: Victory for the working class and youth, María Rivera to the Constituent Assembly!

May 17, 2021 The counting of today's electoral results has not yet finished . However, everything indicates that there has been a real political earthquake...