Sun Mar 23, 2025
March 23, 2025


Statement by the Marxist collective Socialists in Struggle (SeL) on the crisis of the National Electric Power System in Cuba

Written on October 20, 2024 in Havana, Cuba Cuba's national electrical system (SEN) has suffered a historic crisis marked by national blackouts. The first nationwide collapse took place on Friday,...

10 things you need to know about Cuba in 2024

If you are a person “on the left” anywhere in the world, you have...

Cuba | Protests against the general blackouts

At the end of last September, hundreds came out to protest in various districts...

Cuba | A year after the 11J protests

A year has passed since the social outburst that shook Cuba between July 11...

Cuba | Solidarity with the July 2021 demonstrators

Here, we reproduce a manifesto of solidarity with the Cuban demonstrators. The persecution by...

Cuba | Solidarity with the July 2021 demonstrators

Here, we reproduce a manifesto of solidarity with the Cuban demonstrators. The persecution by the Cuban regime continues without end. It is urgent to...

The Cuban regime is viciously attacking the 11J political prisoners

March 24, 2022 At the end of January, Cuba's Attorney General's Office reported that 790 people were facing criminal proceedings for having participated in the...

Cuba | Protesters Brutally Persecuted by the Cuban Government After 11J Mobilizations

Seven months after the July 11, 2021 protests in Cuba, repression against demonstrators is intensifying. On January 25, after more than half a year...

On the capitalist dictatorship in Cuba. Polemic with SCR-IMT, or the importance of calling ourselves Trotskyists

As was to be expected, in the face of the popular demonstrations in Cuba against the Castro regime of Diaz-Canel that began a few...

How to continue the struggle against the Cuban dictatorship

Cuba is going through a moment of great political effervescence since 11 July. The International Workers’ League (IWL) has stood by the struggle against...

After the 15N, Redouble the Efforts to Free the Cuban Political Prisoners

The so-called Civic March for Change, called by the“Archipiélago” platform, did not happen. Havana woke up completely militarized. The main organizers of the protest...

Freedom for the Political Prisoners of the Cuban Dictatorship

The degrading of the living conditions of the Cuban people led, on June 11th, to the biggest demonstrations against the government of the isle...

All Support and Solidarity with the November 15 Mobilization! Resist any Attempt of Imperialist Interference!

The following months showed that the July 11 demonstrations inaugurated a new political scenario in Cuba. The objective factors that triggered the popular discontent...

The Cuban Regime Responds to November 15 Mobilization with more Repression… and Hypocrisy

Last July 11, several demonstrations were held in Cuba against the Castro regime. They expressed the demands of numerous sectors of the Cuban people...

Cuba| Why do we support the call to mobilize on November 15?

Three months after the 11J demonstrations, 505 demonstrators are still detained by the Cuban regime. Some are serving house arrest and several minors continue...

Cuba| Petition Campaign to Free Those Imprisoned for Engaging in the Struggle!

Between the night of July 11 and the afternoon of August 30, a group operating both inside and outside Cuba has reported—based on accounts...

Castroism and the Central American Revolution

In the debates on the current Cuban situation, a majority sector of the left (defenders of the current Castro regime and its policies) claims...

A debate on the blockade and capitalist restoration

What is the US blockade on Cuba? The economic blockade on Cuba is a measure planned by the imperialist administrations of Eisenhower (1953-1961) and Kennedy...

Freedom for Gabriela Zequeira Hernández

Gabriela is a 17-year-old girl who is a symbol of popular participation in the July 11 in Cuba. She went to the hairdresser that...