Sun Mar 23, 2025
March 23, 2025


Egypt: The Impact of the Situation in Gaza

Elections will be held in Egypt next December. The current president, General Abdelfatah al-Sisi (in power since 2013 when he overthrew the Muslim Brotherhood government of Mohamed Morsi), has...

Ten Years of Revolutions in the Arab World

On December 17th 2010, the fruit salesman Mohamed Bouazizi set fire to his own...

Solidarity With Protestors in Egypt

Activists held a protest in solidarity with Egyptian people in Belo Horizonte city, Minas...

CSP-Conlutas Stands in Solidarity with Egyptian Political Prisoners, HK and Honduras

CSP-Conlutas national coordination met on July 5-7, 2019 in Sao Paulo. The struggle against the...

Arab “Kingdom Republics” and Constitution Changes

The constitutional articles relating to the term of the President of the Republic in...

Arab “Kingdom Republics” and Constitution Changes

The constitutional articles relating to the term of the President of the Republic in the Arab States are the most vulnerable to changes likewise...

Egyptian Authorities Execute Nine Youth

On February 20, 2019, the Egyptian authorities executed nine youngsters on charges of murder of former Attorney-General Hisham Barakat, who was killed on June...

In the struggle against apartheid, Egyptian judoka is gold

After refusing shaking hands with his Israeli opponent Or Sasson, once finished the competition, the Egyptian judoka Islam El Shehaby was excluded from the...

Military courts contempt for justice with trials of students and shipyard workers

There are students and shipyard workers, who protested against attacks on their pay and bad work conditions, that were forcibly “disappeared”, tortured into false...

Industrial workers’ strikes expand all over the country

   Lately, Egypt has been going through a wave of strikes and protests, featured by the industrial working class. This could be indicating a...

Freedom for Egypt’s Political Prisoners

Egypt is currently experiencing a serious escalation of repression. The interim government of Adly Mahmoud Mansour, backed by the military, passed an anti-terrorism...

Elections: Victory of al-Sisi, but …

In the recent presidential elections, Marshal al-Sisi got 96.9% of the votes, according to the official questionable figures. It would have actually been a...

The Egyptian Revolution and the tasks of the left

The Egyptian revolution route, especially after Morsi and Muslim Brotherhood’s fall and the seizing of a new military government, in July 2013, is...

On the sentencing to death of the Muslim Brotherhood supporters

An Egyptian court in the central city of Minya sentenced to death 529 supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), accused of "acts of...

Sign the petition to defend democratic rights in Egypt

The IWL-FI supports the petition below to demand democratic rights for the Egyptian people. Access the campaign's website to sign too. To: President Adly...

A chant echoes in Tahrir: “Neither the military nor Muslim Brotherhood”

The 19th of November 2011 has been consolidated as a memorable date for the Egyptian revolution.  That day  the first broad clash between the...

Mahalla Textile Workers Continue Sit-in

Workers in Egypt's largest public textile factory strike again over delay in bonus payment. Thousands of workers at the Egyptian public sector Weaving and...

Response to the Statement by the Egyptian Federation of Independent Trades Union

The main leader of the Egyptian Federation of Independent Trade Unions, Kamal Abu Eita, took over as Minister of Labor of the new...