Thu Jan 30, 2025
January 30, 2025

Brazil Special

Debate with the MRT on the Teamsters’ strike in Brazil

The conflict that confronts the truck owners (truckers/teamsters) with the Temer government (with strike and blockades against the rise of the fuel price) became the core of the situation...

Debate with the MRT on the Teamsters’ strike in Brazil

The conflict that confronts the truck owners (truckers/teamsters) with the Temer government (with strike...

No to military intervention! Stop repressing the Teamsters! General Strike now!

The Teamsters’ strike needs to be surrounded with solidarity! By PSTU-Brazil.   The Teamsters’ strike reached its...

No to military intervention! Stop repressing the Teamsters! General Strike now!

The Teamsters’ strike needs to be surrounded with solidarity! By PSTU-Brazil.   The Teamsters’ strike reached its...

Oil workers paralyze in support to the Teamsters and against the privatization of Petrobras

On Sunday, the 27, oil workers from different bases and refineries from Petrobras stopped...

Oil workers paralyze in support to the Teamsters and against the privatization of Petrobras

On Sunday, the 27, oil workers from different bases and refineries from Petrobras stopped in support to the strike and mobilization of Teamsters and...

Oil workers paralyze in support to the Teamsters and against the privatization of Petrobras

On Sunday, the 27, oil workers from different bases and refineries from Petrobras stopped in support to the strike and mobilization of Teamsters and...

Ze Maria: Why it is Necessary to support the Teamsters’ Strike

As we write this article, the Teamsters continue to mobilize throughout the country with the populations’ support. The Teamsters’ strike changed the situation and...

Ze Maria: Why it is Necessary to support the Teamsters’ Strike

As we write this article, the Teamsters continue to mobilize throughout the country with the populations’ support. The Teamsters’ strike changed the situation and...

Full support to the truckers’ strike! Let’s unify the struggles!

While we were closing this issue , the truckers’ strike reached its third day, showing amazing strength. It was highly supported, for confronting the...

Full support to the truckers’ strike! Let’s unify the struggles!

While we were closing this issue , the truckers’ strike reached its third day, showing amazing strength. It was highly supported, for confronting the...

PSTU note on Lula’s prison

By the tight vote of 6 to 5, the Supreme Federal Court denied the preventive Habeas Corpus for former president Lula. He was...

PSTU note on the shots to Lula’s convoy

The PSTU repudiates the shots by extreme-right groups against the PT convoy on March 27. We repudiate these groups’ attacks and physical aggression, and...

We repudiate the murder of PSOL's councilor Marielle

The PSTU stands in solidarity with the family and friends of councilor Marielle Franco, as well as with the PSOL members, and demands a...

Why we do not participate in the protests in defense of Lula

On the 24th, Lula's trial took place in the Court of Appeal, in Porto Alegre's TRF4 (4th Regional Federal Court,) for one of the...