"The Young-Hegelian ideologists, in spite of their allegedly "world-shattering" statements, are the staunchest conservatives. The most recent of them have found the correct expression for their activity when they...
An ever-lurking confusion that has been gaining ground in recent times is that anti-Zionism is a form of anti-Semitism. Nothing could be further from...
What is the US blockade on Cuba?
The economic blockade on Cuba is a measure planned by the imperialist administrations of Eisenhower (1953-1961) and Kennedy...
Most of the left-wing currents put into question the strategy of the socialist revolution as well as the role of the industrial proletariat as...
On November 7, Brazil’s Supreme Court ruled defendants could only be imprisoned after all appeals to higher courts had been exhausted. The decision changed...
The article of banker and economist André Lara Resende recently published caused some "discomfort" in the team of investment fund executive and current...
The crisis of Brazilian capitalism and the first 100 days of the Bolsonaro administration: in what measure can Paulo Guedes's politics solve the problems...
Like last year, the State Commission for 8M will again call it labour, students and consumer strike, and feminist care workers strike.
By Laura R.
The Netflix Company is reproducing a series produced by the Putin administration about Leon Trotsky’s life. It is a gross and unacceptable falsification of...
In continuation with the series of political-programmatic debates in the IWL-FI headquarters in Sao Paulo, we invite you all to participate in the debate...