Wed Mar 26, 2025
March 26, 2025


Postmodernism, a Senile Ideology of Reformism

"The Young-Hegelian ideologists, in spite of their allegedly "world-shattering" statements, are the staunchest conservatives. The most recent of them have found the correct expression for their activity when they...

On the Book Anti-Dimitrov by Francisco Martins Rodrigues

April 14, 2023 Towards a full Marxist critique of Stalinism's Popular Front strategy. By: Joana Salay,...

Stalin: Attempting to Resurrect a Political Corpse

March 28, 2023 March 5 marked the 70th anniversary of the death of Stalin, the...

Weapons for Ukrainian Resistance!

Recent events reaffirm that we are living in the epoch of imperialist decadence. Lenin...

Anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism

An ever-lurking confusion that has been gaining ground in recent times is that anti-Zionism...

Anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism

An ever-lurking confusion that has been gaining ground in recent times is that anti-Zionism is a form of anti-Semitism. Nothing could be further from...

Afghanistan: How do we analyze the war?

The U.S. defeat and the Taliban’s return to power has created a debate within the international left. Will the end of U.S. occupation have...

A debate on the blockade and capitalist restoration

What is the US blockade on Cuba? The economic blockade on Cuba is a measure planned by the imperialist administrations of Eisenhower (1953-1961) and Kennedy...

Notes on the Evolution of the Industrial Proletariat 

Introduction Most of the left-wing currents put into question the strategy of the socialist revolution as well as the role of the industrial proletariat as...

The STF and the rule of law – for the rich, of course

On November 7, Brazil’s Supreme Court ruled defendants could only be imprisoned after all appeals to higher courts had been exhausted. The decision changed...

The “new” and “old” capitalism – part 2

The article of banker and economist André Lara Resende recently published  caused some "discomfort" in the team of investment fund executive and current...

The “new” and “old” capitalism (Part 1)

The crisis of Brazilian capitalism and the first 100 days of the Bolsonaro administration: in what measure can Paulo Guedes's politics solve the problems...

Chavismo: a necessary assessment

The sickness and death of Hugo Chávez, doubtlessly one of the most important leaders of the Latin American and international politics of the 21st...

There is no revolution without half of the working class

The struggle for the emancipation of women has been intertwined from its beginnings with the socialist worker movement. Marx wrote in his book “The...

Women: General strike or care workers strike? A necessary discussion

Like last year, the State Commission for 8M will again call it labour, students and consumer strike, and feminist care workers strike. By Laura R. As...

Netflix and the Russian Government Join Forces to Spread Lies About Trotsky

The Netflix Company is reproducing a series produced by the Putin administration about Leon Trotsky’s life. It is a gross and unacceptable falsification of...

Next Saturday 25, A Debate about the Nicaraguan Political Process

In continuation with the series of political-programmatic debates in the IWL-FI headquarters in Sao Paulo, we invite you all to participate in the debate...

Stop the slander against Croatia and Ukraine!

There is a scandal against the soccer team of Croatia, accusing it of being Fascist, because one of its players, Domagaj Vida, after scoring...

The International Marxist Tendency: from Permanent Entryism to the Abandonment of the Proletarian Dictatorship

The history of the International Marxist Tendency (IMT) is mixed up with the history of its founder, Ted Grant, considered by his supporters one...