Sun Mar 23, 2025
March 23, 2025


Build defence for people seeking asylum

Don’t let far-right divide us The far-right’s attempt to burn down the Knowsley Hotel and terrorise the people seeking asylum who are living there is a shocking reminder to workers...

Captain Carola is Free … We Remain Humans! Fight Back Capitalist Barbarism!

The case of Sea Watch, a ship that is part of the non-governmental action...

Trump Blackmails and López Obrador Obeys

«Agreement»: sale of migrants and sovereignty for the price of tariffs By: IWL North and...

What leaves 2018 and what is coming in 2019 for our struggles

No one can deny that 2018 was an intense year. Imperialism and the national...

The Migrant Caravan: a powerful demonstration of Central American peoples against capitalist barbarism

The migrant caravan of people from Honduras and El Salvador firmly advances towards the...

The Migrant Caravan: a powerful demonstration of Central American peoples against capitalist barbarism

The migrant caravan of people from Honduras and El Salvador firmly advances towards the USA frontier. It has faced the governments’ repression, violence of...

Seven thousand people from Central America are heading to the borders of United States.

They left San Pedro Sula in Honduras on October 12, 2018. They want to leave poverty, violence and dictatorship behind. 68% of the Hondurans...

Down with Xenophobia! In Defense of the Refugees! Long Live the Unity of the Workers!

The refugees issue is becoming more important each time. Globalization of economy, economic crisis and the polarization of class struggle are leading to new...

Mobilization in Repudiation of Trump’s Infamy against Children!

Immigrants’ children caged in the US border We consider Donald Trump’s recent measure unacceptable. With this method, he has separated over 2 thousand children from...

Mobilization in Repudiation of Trump’s Infamy against Children!

Immigrants’ children caged in the US border We consider Donald Trump’s recent measure unacceptable. With this method, he has separated over 2 thousand children from...

Sabra and Shatila Massacre: 35 years after, an open wound

On September, it is the 35 anniversary of the massacre in the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila, in East Beirut, Lebanon. Almost three...

Stop Violence Against Darfur Refugees Now!

The following information and pictures have been sent by Darfur refugees form 1.5 million Kalma refugee camp. The pictures are not pleasant but think...