Don’t let far-right divide us
The far-right’s attempt to burn down the Knowsley Hotel and terrorise the people seeking asylum who are living there is a shocking reminder to workers...
The migrant caravan of people from Honduras and El Salvador firmly advances towards the USA frontier. It has faced the governments’ repression, violence of...
The refugees issue is becoming more important each time. Globalization of economy, economic crisis and the polarization of class struggle are leading to new...
Immigrants’ children caged in the US border
We consider Donald Trump’s recent measure unacceptable. With this method, he has separated over 2 thousand children from...
Immigrants’ children caged in the US border
We consider Donald Trump’s recent measure unacceptable. With this method, he has separated over 2 thousand children from...
The following information and pictures have been sent by Darfur refugees form 1.5 million Kalma refugee camp. The pictures are not pleasant but think...