Fri Sep 06, 2024
September 06, 2024

A Great Strike and Unity around Free Sebastián Romero

Against the LUC and for freedom for Sebastián Romero

A great partial general strike and a mass demonstration in the whereabouts of the Legislative Palace, called against the Law of Urgent Consideration (LUC), promoted by the right-wing Lacalle Pou administration and the Multicolor coalition, brought thousands to the street to protest against tens of thousands of layoffs, wage cuts, an inflation above 11%, and 200.000 workers needing unemployment insurance.

By IST-Uruguay

In this context, the Socialist Workers’ Left (IST) is working on the united campaign for the liberation of Argentinian worker and PSTU militant Sebastián Romero, who is unfairly imprisoned for political reasons in the Libertad jail.

General Strike: support and solidarity with Sebastián

We received the solidarity of human rights organization Crysol, who is organizing a visit to the prison to bring their support to Sebastián. Irma Leites, who is part of the Memory and Justice Summit, expressed her solidarity, along with comrades of the ADEOM municipal workers union, workers and members of the Canelones Meat Processing Plant (F.C) Rank-and-File Committee and workers of AUTE Canelones who, along with the FC, organize the popular soup. There was also support from the Tanning Workers’ Union (UOC) and of the outsourced workers of OSE (Sanitary Constructions of the State), who were present in the PIT-CNT (United Workers Union of Uruguay), raising banners for the freedom of Sebastián.

We also received the solidarity of Gustavo López, former vice-president candidate on the Popular Unity (UP) bill, of Rafael Fernández and Andrea Revuelta, respectively ex-candidates for president and vice-president of the country on the Uruguayan Worker’s Party (PT) bill, who accompanied us with their militants and made an impact.

Our thanks also go to the comrades of LA Senda, of the March 26 collective, to many former political prisoners, to the Socialist Workers’ Current (CTS) that was represented by Damián Recoba, and to Izquierda Diario. Solidarity also arrived from the Student-Worker Resistance (ROE).

We apologize for not including everybody so far. We will continue publishing the complete list, including dozens of organizations from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and many other countries.


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