Mon Mar 10, 2025
March 10, 2025

April 1st: All to the streets! Let’s take them all out! Enough of PT, PSDB & PMDB’s lies!

Now the PT no longer represents the workers and the right-winged opposition is not an alternative, we have a challenge ahead: to build a national day of struggles next April 1st. The protest is called by the Unity of Action Space, of which CSP-Conlutas makes part, among other entities.

There will be protests all over the country: street demonstrations, pickets, rallies, late-shifts, among others. Also, many categories currently on struggle, like teachers, students and metal workers, will send a message on the streets.

April 1st demonstrations will be independent of the right-winged opposition, unlike March 13th, and unlike “Stay Dilma” demonstrations, on March 18th, called by CUT and MST.

We will say enough to PT, PMDB and PSDB’s lies. It is time to tell the truth and chant: “Out with all of them! Out with Dilma, Temer, Aécio, Cunha e Renan!”.

It is necessary to step forward on the construction of a general strike, to stop the attacks of the government and the bosses, and the effects of the crisis over the workers’ shoulders! The rich should pay for this crisis!


A call to PSOL and MTST

We cannot support this government, like CUT, MST and UNE have been doing, calling for a demonstration on “Stay Dilma” and in support of Lula, like on March 18th. We need to build a workers’ alternative to struggle against PT, PMDB and PSDB.

Unfortunately, this is not what the MTST and most part of PSOL’s leadership think. MTST even participated on Lula’s vindication of March 5th, in the “banking street”. (…) Like PSOL, they will go on to the streets on March 31st, to the demonstration also called by CUT and MST, and their “Popular Brazil Front”. Despite raising flags like “Against retirement reform” and “against austerity”, this event is a political demonstration in defense of Dilma and Lula. The flags “against austerity” are only smoke curtains to cover a protest with the content of defense of the current government. What will the leaders of PSOL and MTST do? Will they go on the streets to defend the government?

The working class needs to take for their own the task of putting them all out, and also defeat the austerity plan. This is why April 1st is an important step for workers and the youth to build an alternative to Dilma’s (PT) government, and to PSDB. PSOL and MTST should build April 1st to, instead of participating of demonstrations in defense of the government. We need to gather strengths on the construction of an independent side, a side of workers with no bosses, not PT and no PSDB. We need to struggle together with Unity of Action Space, to build new tools for the struggle. This is the way out the workers need.


“How can I get involved?”

The working class, the youth and most of the people are suffering the effects of the policy implemented by the government, the Congress and the bourgeois opposition, led by PSDB. All of them throw the price of the crisis over our shoulders. Despite the arguments between PT and PSDB, they are on the same side, and both want to end workers’ historical rights, together. They want to put a roof to health and education to have more money to give to Bankers. They want to adjust work rights guaranteed by CLT [Consolidation of Brazilian Labour Laws]. They want you to work until death, by implementing a new reform to Social Security, which increases the minimum retirement age.

The crisis of the states has fully reached the Public Servers, health and education. Salaries are not being paid; public health, which was already chaotic, is currently paralyzed; public schools are under closure threat. This is being implemented by PT, PSDB and PMDB, among other parties, always in favor of the companies. But we will not pay for the crisis!

Most activities of April 1st are still under construction. Plenaries and meetings among workers and students will be organized. You can demand for your Union to call a meeting in your sector, and organize the struggle from there. You can call meetings or plenaries in your school or university to guarantee an activity for April 1st. This is a call especially for you, struggling against the austerity, and to all workers under the threat of layoffs. Take your demands to the streets. Let’s build an alternative for the workers on the streets!


Translation: Sofía Ballack.

Originally published in Opinião Socialista n.° 513.

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