Sat Sep 07, 2024
September 07, 2024

Campaign to Support Defender of the Political Prisoners!

The situation of the political detainees remains critical, amid a pandemic. To gain their liberty, several organizations are taking part in an international campaign, and there are also entities dedicated to their legal defense. One of these organizations is the Defensoria Popular (DP)[Popular Defense]which has María Rivera as a coordinator.

By: MIT – Chile (International Workers Movement)


Maria, as well her comrades, lawyers of the DP, does not charge the families for the political prisoners’ defense; as we know, the political detainees belong to working class families, which have few resources, so these lawyers are maintained mainly by donations.


Due to the immensity of the political detainees’ cases, they almost not assume more cases that enable their subsistence, since it is obviously a necessity to prioritize the solidarity and defense of the fighters. That is why we are promoting a financial campaign of donations to support Maria, so that she can continue defending the first line prisoners.


Moreover, it is also because, since the beginning of the revolution, the comrade had been threatened with death and persecuted, and we believe that these threats have become more dangerous today, due to the context of a pandemic, without mobilizations, given that many times, in these moments of “calmness”, some groups take advantage of the situation to keep on pursing. Besides that, El Libero[1], an extreme right-wing media, has published again an article attacking the role of the Popular Defense, and thus, Maria, leader of MIT, clearly in order to keep on instigating hatred and looking for scapegoats to a revolution made by hundreds of thousands of workers. It is in this sense that the financial campaign is also performed to guarantee safety mechanisms for our comrade, who continues to be threatened.


For all of this, we invite all of those who can contribute with this campaign to deposit or contact us:


  • Rut: 15.702.522-8
  • Rut Account: 15.702.522
  • Name: Daniela Delgado Reyes
  • E-mail:


[1] -18-o /


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