Mon Sep 09, 2024
September 09, 2024

Political Statement

Only the working class can lead the way to victory

Lessons from one year of war in Ukraine The Fourth International must clearly understand the enormous importance of the Ukrainian question in the fate not only of Southeastern and Eastern Europe but also of Europe as a whole. We are dealing with a people that...

Women in Ukraine

In Ukraine, Women Also Resist!

The invasion of Ukraine has already lasted more than a month, and it is impressive to see the Ukrainian people’s heroism in carrying out...

Latest Articles

The War in Russia As of the End of January

By International Workers League in Russia The WarWe repeat, as before, that Russia is in a state of war. The fundamental situation in the country today...

A Disaster Called “Putinism”

By Masha Chaikina Just before the New Year, Russia carried out a massive shelling of Ukrainian cities, causing numerous casualties and destruction. Kiev, Kherson, Dnieper,...

Ukraine: The Keys to a Real Counteroffensive

By Taras Schevchuk Those of us who fully support the Ukrainian resistance against the invasion and plunder by the Putin regime, and have closely followed...

The Ukrainian People and the New Slaughter in Palestine: The Same Fights, The Same Enemies.

By Taras Shevchuk On October 7, the world was shocked by the images of the new outbreak of violent conflict in Gaza. The mainstream media’s...

Year highlights

Ukrainian military resistance and the new momentum of the war

We are facing a new situation in the war in Ukraine. The surprising success of the Ukrainian resistance - whose military includes a significant...

Down with Putin’s forced “mobilization” and “referendums.” We must redouble support for the Ukrainian resistance!

The advance of Ukrainian troops in the Kharkiv region presupposes a major reversal of Putin's war, the quick and "easy" occupation by "special forces"...

Labor Network prepares second Workers’ Aid Convoy to Ukraine

The International Labour Network for Solidarity and Struggles plans to send a second convoy of the Workers' Aid Campaign to Ukraine for the month...