Sat Jul 27, 2024
July 27, 2024

Solidarity With the People of Kazakhstan!

The popular revolt in Kazakhstan concerns us. Although the decisive factor was the increase in fuel prices, the revolt is part of a wider context. The movement was built in the workplaces, matured within them, and the workers themselves defined and enriched their demands and their methods of action.

On 3 January, the entire Mangistau region was affected by a general strike that spread to the neighbouring region of Atyrau. On 4 January, oil workers at Tengizchevroil went on strike. In December, tens of thousands of workers at this site had been laid off and further layoffs were announced. The movement spread to the Aktobe, West Kazakhstan and Kyzylorda regions. Miners from Arcelor-Mittal-Temirtau, copper smelters and mines of the Kazakh corporation joined and expanded the movement. At the heart of these struggles are demands for wages, lowering the retirement age, the right to freely form their unions and the right to strike.
The direct action of the workers, which was the origin of the movement, continued with rallies in many other cities. On the night of the 4th to the 5th, there were tough clashes with the forces of repression. The state of emergency was declared; as often, against «foreign elements», against «terrorists». In fact, it’s one of the responses of the authorities to the working class in revolt.
The government’s attempt at division by announcing a localised reduction in the price of petrol has failed. The dismissals and reshuffles at the head of the state do not respond to the demands of the movement: those who are fighting do so for social and political demands that correspond to the interests of our social class, not to know who will lead them!
From the 5th, massive rallies spread throughout the country. The demand for the release of all political prisoners and the restoration of the 1993 Constitution, for example, were added to the demands. Movements in different cities and regions tried to coordinate.
The killings of demonstrators began on the night of the 5th to the 6th. The army played its role: to serve the power in place, to enforce its order, by repressing, shooting and killing. Russian imperialism came as a reinforcement, facilitating and supporting the repression. The repressive forces of the state officially have the right to shoot without warning. The death toll is rising.
The member organisations of the International Labor Network of Solidarity and Struggle salute the determination and courage of the people of Kazakhstan. We stand in solidarity with the struggle, support their demands, both those relating to the direct expression of capitalist exploitation (wages, working hours, pensions, etc.) and the right to organise freely, to strike, etc.
The member organisations of the International Labor Network of Solidarity and Struggle join in the actions of solidarity with the people of Kazakhstan and denounce the repression exercised by the ruling power assisted by Russian governement.
Solidarity with the struggle of the people of Kazakhstan! Russian troops out of Kazakhstan!

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