They left San Pedro Sula in Honduras on October 12, 2018.
They want to leave poverty, violence and dictatorship behind.
68% of the Hondurans live on the poverty line and face violence from gangs on daily basis.
Por Fabio Bosco
Around 200 Hondurans immigrate from their country everyday.
Last weekend they arrived in the Mexican state of Oaxaca, 1,300 kilometers away.
They are still 2,700 kilometers away from the Mexican city of Tijuana, on the border with the United States.
They are warmly welcomed by community centers, churches and ordinary people with food and tents.
Other people’s caravans want to join them.
On October 28, 2018 500 people left El Salvador on the same agenda.
Other one thousand people from Guatemala are joining as well.
President Trump wants to take advantage of this immigrant crisis on the verge of the midterm election to be hold on November 6, 2018.
He wants to move away from the embarrassing Jamal Khashoggi killing in Istanbul to address the need to be tough against illegal immigration.
He sent hundreds of officers to reinforce U.S. customs on the Mexican border where around 400,000 immigrants were detained along the last 12 months.
American authorities are putting strong pressure on the administrations of Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador and Mexico to stop the caravan.
The Mexican president Peña Nieto offered the immigrants jobs, healthcare, education and legal papers if they stay in the Mexican southern states of Oaxaca and Chiapas.
Some sources say that 1,500 people accepted the offer.
The remaining are moving towards Oaxaca city and then to Mexico city and Tijuana.
CSP-Conlutas understands that American imperialism is responsible for both poverty and repression in Central America.
It demands all countries to open their borders to the immigrants.
It stands for a Latin American second independence from American and European imperialisms.