Register now for the online course of Marxist Education!


Enrollment for three online courses of the David Riazanov Marxist Education Center is open. The courses are Permanent Revolution, Reform and Revolution, and Great Revolutions of the XX Century – Objective and Subjective Factors of a Revolution.
To enroll, register online @ There is a one-time fee per course.
The courses will take place simultaneously. It is possible to enroll in more than one at the same time, but we do not recommend it, because of the course load.
The courses start on April 23. Permanent Revolution is in Spanish, with subtitles in Portuguese and English. There are three classes; pick the one corresponding to your language. Reform and Revolution will be in Portuguese, and Great Revolutions of the XX Century is in Spanish.
Watch the video (Spanish – Portuguese) on the step-by-step enrollment [contact us for English if you need assistance!]
The David Riazanov Marxist Education Center is an IWL-FI initiative of Marxist Education for militants, activist, and for general audience. For more information, access


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